📬 qBittorrent Web UI zum Mining von Monero missbraucht
#Filesharing #Krypto #Malware #cdnsrvin #ProxmoxVE #qBittorrent #RootZugriff #UniversalPlugandPlay #UPnP #WebUI #Weboberfläche https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/malware/qbittorrent-web-ui-zum-mining-von-monero-missbraucht-280218.html
#filesharing #krypto #malware #cdnsrvin #proxmoxve #qbittorrent #Rootzugriff #universalplugandplay #upnp #webui #weboberflache
Ich habe jetzt schon mehrere #MastodonApp|s unter #MacOS getestet und muss sagen:
"Nichts geht über die erweiterte #WebUI-Ansicht"
I made a first test of Llama 2 13B, in a 6-bits quantized version (thanks, #ggml )
It's good-to-excellent in various tasks: summarization, translation (I tried EN, IT, FR), NER with semantic filters.
AND it runs on a CPU-only installation on an Intel, at decent speed. 👏
I finally tried the text-generation-webui. I'm impressed!
It really feels as powerful and versatile as the webui for image generation that inspired it. Plus, it's very easy to install.
Excellent for model evaluation and comparison, but I see it also provides tools to train Loras and more... 👍
Für alle Interessierten:
#mastodon #userscript #webUI #verbesserung #tweetdeck
#Mastodon #userscript #webui #verbesserung #tweetdeck
Ist mir ein Rätsel, warum man auf dem #Desktop für das #Fediverse / #Mastodon eine andere/extra App braucht.
#desktop #Fediverse #Mastodon #webui #browser
【Tips】Stable Diffusion WebUI拡張機能の更新・削除方法 https://gift-by-gifted.com/stable-diffusion-extension-update-delete/ Gift by Giftedの新着記事が公開されました!
#web #tips #拡張機能 #WebUi #StableDiffusion
#stablediffusion #webui #拡張機能 #tips #web
【改訂】AUTOMATIC1111 Web UIをColabで動かす。 https://gift-by-gifted.com/stable-diffusion-webui-colabo/ Gift by Giftedの新着記事が公開されました!
#pc #ai #web #モデル #WebUi #google #StableDiffusion
#stablediffusion #google #webui #モデル #web #ai #pc
Imagine requiring several hundreds of megabytes to display less information than the average #NNTP client did for #Usenet in 1995.
That's #Mastodon and other #Fediverse #WebUI in a nutshell.
#nntp #usenet #mastodon #fediverse #webui
Talking about #stylin' it up
PPL who are either "not chummy" or "not admin" can style their #webui via plugin and #css it seems
I haven't tried it.
(Not that I need it :Alcea_LolFace: )
"Our Desktop app uses Web technology (React, TypeScript), currently via Electron, but maybe someday via Tauri so there’s no need to ship a full browser with the app."
More about Tauri here:
Hmm, earlier versions I don't think I had that. I remember to not working, but just tested on my instance and it is now.
I was just thinking the other day that the main reason I don't use the web interface is that mastodon cannot tell if images has alt text or not.
#stylus #firefox #mastodonux #webui #css #dark_background_and_light_text
#stylus #firefox #mastodonux #webui #css #dark_background_and_light_text
Hacker/blackhat/whatever forums & their operators getting arrested kind of weird me out.
Why not just make a #FreeSoftware #WebUI frontend for #NNTP, setup a server with a custom group hierarchy & email registration (or whatever else), peer fairly liberally and be done with it?
You'd have very limited personal liability and there'd be no point in taking you down since anyone can spin-up a mirror in a few hours at most, with only a few settings for users to change.
Hello Everyone! This is the podcast website landing page design concept. Where you can listen to podcasts, can be a podcaster, and can upload your music. It has been designed with the latest UI trend. If you are opening a platform like this you can use this landing page template for your website. Thanks!
#podcastui #podcastuikit #ui #uikit #uidesign #webdesign #webui #webapp #webuikit #webpagedesign
#podcastui #podcastuikit #ui #uikit #uidesign #webdesign #webui #webapp #webuikit #webpagedesign