Currently hyper-fixated on preparing a #Pug/#PugJS plugin for #Unity to work with #Vuplex's #WebView and ... this is not helping me feel any better about myself or my life, but, it's occupying my attention - okay?
Vuplex WebView
DupeNukem 0.23.0 is out!
Supported passing callback function objects (ofcourse full-duplex) and re-implemented cancellation infrastructure.
@TauriApps hi, I'm trying to open a link in reader mode in a windows app which as far as I can tell requires prefixing the URL with "read:". If I do that Tauri tries to open it as a local resource with a munged URL and I get "Not allowed to load local resource: read://http//www....". Is there a way around this? #tauri #tauriapps #rustlang #webview #webview2
#tauri #tauriapps #rustlang #webview #webview2
Wie kann man am besten Apps ohne PlayStore updaten?
Geht vorallem um "WebView" oder auch "Private Compute Services"
Der #AuroraStore als Alternative zeig diese zwar an als "Updates verfügbar" aber schaffts nicht diese zu Upodaten (missing trichromelibary/Anwendung nicht gekauft)
#webview #playstore #apk #fdroid #foss #aurorastore #it #android
If you think about it, the modern desktop only features two visual "super-apps". These are defined as complex, multipurpose (swiss-army knife) tools that are not limited within some specific utility category.
The #WebBrowser and the #IDE
The browser is extrovert, interfacing outside computers, sandboxed, easy to use, with limited capabilities, for the many, providing a casual and controlled guided exposure to information.
The IDE is introvert, interfacing with the machine it is running on, fully capable, hard to use, for the few, providing the most low-level handle on information.
Both have menus systems etc., are extensible via plugins but otherwise we treat them as different beasts.
A faint whiff of convergence is seen e.g., in #visualstudiocode embedding #webview to render markdown.
Is it possible that in future we might have a "hyper-app" that combines the two classes in one?
#webbrowser #ide #visualstudiocode #webview #linkeddata #semanticweb
The biggest complaint people have about #webview is the filesystem api is inconsistent.
This is absolutely true, and completely replaces it.
Our file system api should be instantly familiar to #nodejs developers, it uses #libuv under the hood😎
Leistungsverbesserungen für Microsoft Teams
Microsoft hat Teams von Grund auf neu entwickelt, um die Leistung auf PCs und Laptops zu verbessern. Eine erste Vorschau soll es ab nächsten Monat geben.
#verpasstodon #microsoft #microsoftteams #webview
Really annoying issue 😢
📬 Dezor geht gegen illegale Webseiten vor
#Internet #IPTV #Szene #Warez #bsto #burningseries #DezorBrowser #DezorSA #Webbrowser #WebView
#webview #webbrowser #DezorSA #dezorbrowser #burningseries #bsto #warez #szene #iptv #internet
"WebView JavaScript injection with User Scripts | Medium" #flutter #webview
/* タイリングの表示を改善する */
#webview-container:has(.mosaic) {
padding: 0 !important;
.mosaic-tile {
margin: 2px !important;
.mosaic-tile * {
border-radius: 0 !important;
📬 Facebook-Konten in Gefahr: Malware kommt als Bildungs-App
#Malware #AndroidMalware #Bildung #FacebookKonten #FacebookLogin #SchoolyardBully #WebView #Zimperium
#zimperium #webview #schoolyardbully #facebooklogin #facebookkonten #bildung #androidmalware #malware
Trying to make my Mastodon web view experience look a bit better than it normally does.
It's certainly not the best, especially since I don't know CSS hardly at all. But I feel it's better than what the default look is.
#Mastodon #WebView #AdvancedWebView #CSS #StyleSheet #Customization
#mastodon #webview #advancedwebview #css #stylesheet #customization
I apparently closed a column on #advanced #webview how can I add a column?
Can anyone #help #mastodonnewbie
#advanced #webview #help #mastodonnewbie
📬 Samsung: Sicherheitslücke im Galaxy Store lässt Malware herein
#Hacking #CORS #CrossSiteScripting #Deeplinks #GalaxyStore #SamsungGalaxy #URLParameter #WebView
#webview #URLParameter #samsunggalaxy #GalaxyStore #DeepLinks #crosssitescripting #cors #hacking
there's a #framework called #Tauri that works like #Electron but uses your OS's native #WebView to render your web app: this makes app sizes stupidly small and improves performance significantly. #Electron is not the future, things like #Tauri are
#webview #electron #tauri #framework
» Launching a new #Chromium-based WebView for #Android - Engineering at Meta // This WebView can update in sync with #Facebook app updates, and function as a drop-in replacement for the System #WebView inside the Facebook app....
#chromium #android #facebook #webview
📬 Android und iOS: Adware über 13 Millionen Mal installiert
#Malware #Allatori #AppleAppStore #GooglePlayStore #HUMAN #Scylla #WebView #Werbebetrug
#werbebetrug #webview #scylla #human #googleplaystore #appleappstore #Allatori #malware