I've used the Plain Old Semantic HTML (POSH) based "rel=me" for #Identity #Authenticity via a #LinkInBio page (generated by @youid) from my personal #DataSpace.
The #Fediverse as a #SemanticWeb enclave continues to give++
#identity #authenticity #linkinbio #DataSpace #fediverse #semanticweb #web30 #webwewant #youid #netid #odsbriefcase
Beyond clients for #MicroBlogging platforms, I also expect a lot of loose-coupling to occur at each of the following levels, via #Fediverse solutions:
1. #Identity
2. #identification
3. #authentication
4. #authorization
5. #storage
By the end of this year, I anticipate this level of loose-coupling to have gained significant momentum 😀
Stay tuned!
/cc @Mastodon
#microblogging #fediverse #identity #identification #authentication #authorization #storage #nosilos #webwewant #web30
I've always had multiple tools for processing #RSS. Net effect, I can search back into my own database of interesting posts from the past.
Here's a gem from @anildash, regarding "Link In Bio" and Links in general -- regarding the miracle we know as the #Web.
A #hyperlink is an extraordinary piece of technology that's still partially understood -- especially by those who stubbornly push silos.
#rss #web #hyperlink #openweb #webwewant
So far, less than 1% of the current Twitter users is on Mastodon (a rough estimate based upon my own experience). It is growing, but it is growing slowly and local Mastodon servers must scale up on the short term to keep the momentum. But, it is a good signal to the current platforms that their position is becoming much weaker and that users have the freedom of choice #fediverse #freedomofchoice #twitterexodus #nodataconcentration #nodatalockin #lessmisinformation #lesspolarisation #webwewant
#webwewant #lesspolarisation #lessmisinformation #nodatalockin #nodataconcentration #twitterexodus #freedomofchoice #fediverse
I'm happy to announce that my Journal Survey Paper "Declarative #RDF graph generation from heterogeneous (semi-)structured data" at the Journal of Web Semantics was accepted 🎉 🎉 🎉! I will share the PDF soon on my website: https://dylanvanassche.be/publications
#research #KnowledgeGraphs #WebWeWant #PhD #
#rdf #research #KnowledgeGraphs #webwewant #phd
Got excited? Check it out here 👇👇👇
Demo: https://w3id.org/yarrrml/matey
Screencast: https://w3id.org/yarrrml/matey/screencast-target
Paper: https://dylanvanassche.be/assets/pdf/iswc2021-target-in-yarrrml.pdf
Interested in my work? Checkout my website! https://dylanvanassche.be/publications/
#Decentralization #WebWeWant #Solid #RML #KnowledgeGraph #SemanticWeb #RDF
#decentralization #webwewant #semanticweb #rdf #solid #rml #knowledgegraph
Give @comunicajs a shot when you want to query @project_solid pods :) #Solid #Decentralization #WebWeWant 👇👇👇
RT @comunicajs
We just released a ready-to-use build of Comunica that allows you to query and update documents within @project_solid data pods, while taking into account authentication. Learn more about it here: https://comunica.dev/docs/query/advanced/solid/ #Solid #Decentralization #AuthenticatedQuerying
#decentralization #solid #webwewant #AuthenticatedQuerying
RT @webfoundation
A web that’s always on, affordable, and available to everyone.
A web where privacy and data rights are respected and protected.
A web that promotes the best of humanity and challenges the worst.
That's the #WebWeWant.
Join us. https://webfdn.org/3vSexBC
RT @webfoundation@twitter.com
On this day in 1993, @CERN@twitter.com put the World Wide Web software in the public domain on a royalty-free basis.
The decision sparked a global wave of creativity, collaboration & innovation that would change the world #WebWeWant
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/webfoundation/status/1388158307878199303
RT @timberners_lee
Today @Wikipedia celebrates its 20th birthday.
It stands as a shining example of the #WebWeWant — an open, collaborative space providing free access to knowledge across the globe.
Thank you @jimmy_wales & the whole @Wikimedia community. Here’s to the next 20 years. #Wikipedia20 https://twitter.com/webfoundation/status/1350011964605415426
RT @timberners_lee
Today @Wikipedia celebrates its 20th birthday.
It stands as a shining example of the #WebWeWant — an open, collaborative space providing free access to knowledge across the globe.
Thank you @jimmy_wales & the whole @Wikimedia community. Here’s to the next 20 years. #Wikipedia20 https://twitter.com/webfoundation/status/1350011964605415426
RT @marialab_org@twitter.com
A #WebWeWant é:
✅ Segura
✅ Empoderadora
✅ Para todas
Porém, com uma crescente crise de abuso e discrimação online contra mulheres e garotas, não é a Web que queremos.
2020 tem que ser o ano da web para todas as mulheres!
http://bit.ly/WebBirthday31 @webfoundation@twitter.com
RT @hubertguillaud@twitter.com
Sauver le web nécessite une régulation forte et contraignante, pas un contrat vague ni des principes mous pour se donner bonne conscience : quand @Affordanceinfo2@twitter.com dézingue @timberners_lee@twitter.com et son #webwewant https://contractfortheweb.org/fr/ https://www.liberation.fr/debats/2019/12/02/on-ne-sauvera-pas-le-web-en-dinant-avec-ses-assassins_1766848
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/hubertguillaud/status/1201608635354406917
I back the Contract for the Web because the vast potential of it for humanity is being undermined by corporate greed and irresponsibility, political inaction and personal negligence. It’s time to reclaim digital from the bad actors.
Join me to build the #WebWeWant. https://contractfortheweb.org/action/
I back the Contract for the Web because the web is one of the most powerful tools we’ve ever had to transform our lives for the better.
Join me to build the #WebWeWant.
Contract for the Web
"A global plan of action to make our online world safe and empowering for everyone"
"If we fail to defend the free and open web, we risk a digital dystopia of entrenched inequality and abuse of rights.
We must act now. Join me in backing the Contract for the Web — a global plan of action for the #WebWeWant"
- Tim Berners Lee on his new action plan for the web
RT @tomayac@twitter.com
@johnwilander@twitter.com This link (https://apple.news/AJFqXqhysQ8KjLIO66L-p1w) is a dead end for me in Germany, because Apple News isn’t a thing here. The App Install Banner is visible for a split second until the JavaScript figures it out. Not the #WebWeWant.
#webwewant #rawweb example, hopefully #dweb powered: "rewrite the headlines"