Hi Andrius,
At this point I could only recommend getting better acquainted with #Peirce's #Semiotics.
Here's a motley collection of resources from my own #WebWork and related discussions over the years.
Omnibus Survey Page
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/surveys/
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2021/11/08/survey-of-relation-theory-5/
#Semiotics, #Semiosis, #SignRelations
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/06/26/survey-of-semiotics-semiosis-sign-relations-3/
#SignRelations #Semiosis #RelationTheory #webwork #semiotics #Peirce
Anyone who's familiar with #WeBWorK: Is there a way to get fractions to not turn into decimals in a Formula object?
I'd like it if Formula("1/2*x")->reduce() stayed as $\dfrac12x$ instead of $0.5x$.
Hi, y'all, 47 years #organic #garden #farmer, dozens of soil types; #permaculture 44 yrs; #woodlot #ponds #orchard #flowers! #EarthRepair #editor #webwork
I like to boost (and maybe publish) good stories and photos about the evolution of good, green, abundant, and positive outcomes in relocalized food production for personal, family, neighborhood, town, and/or region, as well as the challenges arising from such efforts in the face of growing climate crisis.
#organic #garden #farmer #permaculture #woodlot #Ponds #Orchard #flowers #EarthRepair #editor #webwork
One of the projects that has captured my attention lately is getting a test server with WeBWork up and running for the math faculty at my college.
This is an open source project designed to provide a platform for "online math homework" (think MyMathLab).
We have the test up and running so the faculty can explore it, and will be moving to development in the spring, with a target of production for the fall semester.
I'd be glad to hear advice/ recommendations from folks who have rolled this out.
#math #education #webwork #teaching #stem
heute mal wieder fast ganz normales tagebuchbloggen beim #tagebuchbloggen*
Mit ein bisschen #webwork, dem obligatorischen status-update aus dem #supermarkt und wunderbarem #illustratoren-beifang
*ich wärm’ mich wohl auf für morgen :)
#tagebuchbloggen #webwork #supermarkt #illustratoren
#webwork #burger #dieNeuenBundesländer und #janahensel beim tagebuchbloggen
#webwork #burger #dieneuenbundesländer #janahensel
Heute beim #tagebuchbloggen: #schlangen #haie #piranhas #burger , ein #suv und neues aus dem #webwork-flöz
#tagebuchbloggen #schlangen #haie #piranhas #burger #suv #webwork
This is a good thing. Glitch is excellent. Really anything that gets people coding and experimenting is excellent.
Männer und Frauen und wonderful first dates beim #tagebuchbloggen . https://hmbl.blog/29-4-2019-thisnthat/?pk_campaign=twitter
#firstdates #webwork #großeEreignisseUndSchattenUndSo
#tagebuchbloggen #firstdates #webwork #großeereignisseundschattenundso
1. Halbzeit: Code.
2. Halbzeit: Ausflug
#tagebuchbloggen #webwork #dortmund #florian #ausflug #pärchenzeugs
#esmussmehrgebenalsarbeitundbett #tagebuchbloggen #webwork #dortmund #florian #ausflug #pärchenzeugs
ein wahrhaft bescheidener tag.
#Tagebuchbloggen #webwork #spassmitkunden
#tagebuchbloggen #webwork #spassmitkunden