PensacolaFNB · @PensacolaFNB
69 followers · 40 posts · Server

In addition to our regular Friday meal shares, we're starting a Brown Bag Brigade on Wednesdays - starting this week! - to deliver bagged lunches to people on the street. 🖤

If you'd like to be involved in some way, don't hesitate to reach out!

#foodnotbombs #pensacola #florida #anarchism #anarchisminaction #MutualAid #solidaritynotcharity #wecareforeachother #poverty #homelessness #hunger #foodinsecurity #FoodIsARightNotAPrivilege #vegetarian

Last updated 2 years ago

PensacolaFNB · @PensacolaFNB
56 followers · 30 posts · Server

Thanks to everyone who dropped off warming donations this afternoon! Most of the supplies have already been distributed. 🖤 If you can bring items to tomorrow night's meal share, we'll be at MLK Jr. Plaza in downtown at 6:00 PM. !

"Practicing mutual aid is the surest means for giving each other and to all the greatest safety, the best guarantee of existence and progress, bodily, intellectual and moral." -

#pensacola #solidarity #peterkropotkin #foodnotbombs #fnb #florida #anarchism #MutualAid #solidaritynotcharity #wecareforeachother #homelessness #coldweather #winter

Last updated 2 years ago

PensacolaFNB · @PensacolaFNB
63 followers · 39 posts · Server

Thanks to everyone who dropped off warming donations this afternoon! Most of the supplies have already been distributed. 🖤 If you can bring items to tomorrow night's meal share, we'll be at MLK Jr. Plaza in downtown at 6:00 PM. !

"Practicing mutual aid is the surest means for giving each other and to all the greatest safety, the best guarantee of existence and progress, bodily, intellectual and moral." -

#pensacola #solidarity #peterkropotkin #foodnotbombs #fnb #florida #anarchism #MutualAid #solidaritynotcharity #wecareforeachother #homelessness #coldweather #winter

Last updated 2 years ago

PensacolaFNB · @PensacolaFNB
29 followers · 21 posts · Server