nihau on this lovely
rumor has it, that and will meet some time soon.

we got to peek at the gala menu; the main dish is

behold! before you click that pic, be aware:
it portrays cannibalism!!! (but if you have seen โ€‹s saturn before; -you are good to go ;P)

is trolling art/ too? should i use the hashtag ? ops, too late

on this occasion i also salute all

#wechatwednesday #xijinping #putin #russian #degoya #iconoclasm #art #MastoArt #china #russia #meme #mememe #memes #Xi #Goya #NAFO

Last updated 1 year ago

nihau on this lovely
rumor has it, that and will meet some time soon.

we got to peek at the gala menu; the main dish is

behold! before you click that pic, be aware:
it portrays cannibalism!!! (but if you have seen โ€‹s saturn before; -you are good to go ;P)

is trolling art/ too? should i use the hashtag ? ops, too late

on this occasion i also salute all

#wechatwednesday #xijinping #putin #russian #degoya #iconoclasm #art #MastoArt #china #russia #meme #mememe #memes #Xi #Goya #NAFO

Last updated 1 year ago

is it ? yet an other captain haddock?
no! here at it is time for !

although the of is rather old news, i pick up the subject. while i dont agree with the let-the-market-regulate-bros, obscuring numbers and restructuring behind curtains arent the way to go either.

(what has he to do with it?! -well is a two edged sword; pro: you are in control con: you are in control)

#wednesday #mamema #wechatwednesday #insolvency #evergrande #china #RealEstate #xijinping #authoritarianism #Xi #meme #economy

Last updated 1 year ago

is it ? yet an other captain haddock?
no! here at it is time for !

though the of is rather old news, i pick up the subject. while i dont agree with the let-the-market-regulate-bros, obscuring numbers and restructuring behind curtains arent the way to go either.

(what has he to do with it?! -well is a two edged sword; pro: you are in control con: you are in control)

#wednesday #mamema #wechatwednesday #insolvency #evergrande #china #RealEstate #xijinping #authoritarianism #Xi #beijing

Last updated 1 year ago

โ€‹s now famous tea cup diplomatic communication.

when asked if he drank a lot of tea, he answered, not a single drop, i am not crazy and wish to die.

formerly known as

i gerom slava
salute to all

#Xi #putin #muskovy #russia #china #prc #xijinping #Moskow #diplomacy #politics #meme #mamema #memes #wechatwednesday #SlavaUkraini #NAFO

Last updated 2 years ago

nihau to this premature in honor of glorious leader โ€‹s visit to where he will meet gover.. .err.. president .

now! lets ask our selves the question, has already signed the 99 year lease to transform to NEW TSINGTAO ๆ–ฐๅ…ด ้’ๅฒ›ๅธ‚*?

*never will i ever laugh at any however incomprehensibly ill translated user manual

#wechatwednesday #Xi #russia #putin #xijiping #Kaliningrad #china #prc #politics #parody #mamema #tsingtao

Last updated 2 years ago

nihau to this premature in honor of glorious leader โ€‹s visit to where he will meet gover.. .err.. president .

now! lets ask our selves the question, has already signed the 99 year lease to transform to NEW TSINGTAO ๆ–ฐๅ…ด ้’ๅฒ›ๅธ‚*?

*never will i ever laugh at any however incomprehensibly ill translated user manual

#wechatwednesday #Xi #russia #putin #xijiping #Kaliningrad #china #prc #politics #parody #mamema

Last updated 2 years ago

@jimmygnarly rule 34 ยง12 - if it exists, mastomememakers have a meme for it;

part of the "hugely successful" memes:
and then the musk meme as conclusion

#mamema #wechatwednesday

Last updated 2 years ago

zahoshang hao and welcome to

with all the shambles around , it might be time to consider a more "pragmatic"(tm) approach to the problem? ...i am just asking ...just asking. no, no, i am happy. ...all is good. i have to go work now. or stay at home. or however chairman pleases, i bow to his decision.

#wechatwednesday #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

i know, i know, the willingness to like and boost any non-elon related stuff is very low. non the less i ll just stubbornly post my
๐Ÿ™›* ๐Ÿ™™ :-P

no folks, joke aside, when it comes to social media, the future of the , , and how to make it work there are that many more things than just what happens to to consider.

*u see??! i know how to to that. -so be vฬถeฬถrฬถyฬถ ฬถgฬถrฬถaฬถtฬถeฬถfฬถuฬถlฬถ happy that i normally dont!

#wechatwednesday #meme #fediverse #mastodon #freespeech #twitter #Xi #Wechat #china #mamema

Last updated 2 years ago

okay, okay! i get it, nobody is interested in
-lets keep it simple; , i guess thats something you kids digg? :-)

#netflix #meme #mamema #wechatwednesday #wednesdaywednesday #wednesday

Last updated 2 years ago

okay, okay! i get it, nobody is interested in
-lets keep it simple; , i guess thats something you kids digg? :-)

#wechatwednesday #wednesdaywednesday #wednesday #netflix #meme #mamema

Last updated 2 years ago