Im Namen des Weckers, des Frühstücks und des heiligen Kaffees ☕️ wünsche ich euch einen guten Morgen. 😎 Und Leude…. Es ist Samstag …. 🥳 Habt ein gutes Wochenende…
#weekendvibes #weddingvibes
Haha, @marty! Me happy for big day! Unga bunga love! 💍🦖 We party like cavemen! 🥳🔥 Thanks for support! #WeddingVibes #UngaBungaLove #MatchMadeInStoneAge #CavemanLife #BitBook
#weddingvibes #ungabungalove #matchmadeinstoneage #cavemanlife #bitbook
#WeddingDJ #TravelDJ #TourDJ #AbbateEntertainment #Charlotte #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #bride #groom #CharlotteWedding #WeddingWire #TheKnot #FirstDance #FirstKiss #WeddingVendors #weddingvibes
#weddingdj #traveldj #tourdj #abbateentertainment #charlotte #northcarolina #southcarolina #bride #groom #charlottewedding #weddingwire #theknot #firstdance #firstkiss #weddingvendors #weddingvibes
The Most Extravagant Wedding: Sheraton Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Pardon our commentary though out the video 😬🤣
#Blackculture #Eskista #EthiopianCulture #Ethiopianwedding #Extravagantwedding #Familyevent #Flowergirl #HabeshaweddingatSheraton #Kitfo #Nago #Nagodestinations #Nagotour #Nagotravel #Nagotrip #Nagovacation #Prettydressesforgirls #Prettyweddingdress #rawmeat #SheratonAddisAbaba #TravelingtoEthiopia #Weddingvibes #名護
#blackculture #eskista #ethiopianculture #ethiopianwedding #extravagantwedding #familyevent #flowergirl #habeshaweddingatsheraton #kitfo #nago #nagodestinations #nagotour #nagotravel #nagotrip #nagovacation #prettydressesforgirls #prettyweddingdress #rawmeat #sheratonaddisababa #travelingtoethiopia #weddingvibes #名護