#AllStarTrek This is worse than #Wedlock, how does Kirk not know the collar is being used to monitor him.😖
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS
#startrektos #startrek #wedlock #AllStarTrek
#NewRules #Marriage #Wedlock:
9-year-wedlock-lease whilst childless / 25-year-wedlock-lease instituted for raising every impending child.
Renegotiable each/any term no-fault post children or post 9-year original childless lease.
#Abortion through 1st trimester exclusive to pregnant party; trimester begins WHEN PREGNANT PARTY ATTESTS IT BEGAN (good faith and reason).
Pre-nuptual agreements may apply ONLY post 25-year child rearing terms; no pre-nuptual after childless 9-year-wedlock-leases.
#newrules #marriage #wedlock #abortion
tit fucking at wedding night
Bride rubs the titboy groom,s penis at wedding night and guests are watching him ...
#CIXIDORU #pencil #paper #sketch #line_art #lineart
#wedding #marriage #matrimony #spousal #match #hymen #nuptial #nuptials #spousal #espousal #matrimonial
#age_difference #size_difference #harem #haremu #voyeur #femdom #bbw #girl #woman #femboy #titboy #titjob #large_breasts #penis #toddler #toddlercon #shota #shotacon #fucking #lust #horny #love
#marriage #matrimony #hymen #nuptial #nuptials #size_difference #harem #haremu #girl #pencil #paper #lineart #wedding #femboy #large_breasts #toddlercon #shota #shotacon #fucking #cixidoru #sketch #line_art #spousal #match #espousal #matrimonial #wedlock #age_difference #voyeur #femdom #bbw #woman #titboy #titjob #penis #toddler #lust #horny #love