I don’t trust monkeys in any sense of the word. They are the only thing of this planet that I have 0% trust in. #monkey #monkeys #trust #thoughts #weedthoughts
#monkey #monkeys #trust #thoughts #weedthoughts
Estaba medio fumado y me puse a pensar en Sultan Alneyadi, el astronauta de Emiratos Arabes que acaba de despegar en el cohete Space X.
¿Hacia que dirección reza o en vez de rezar mirando hacia La Meca, reza mirando todo el planeta?
How I'm spending my new years.
Peach Crescendo
#weed #pot #WeedThoughts #marijuana #legalize #high #PeachCrescendo #flower
#weed #pot #weedthoughts #marijuana #legalize #high #peachcrescendo #flower
wonder how long it took the guy who holds the #guinessworldrecord for fastest clapping to hook up with the PR team for The Clapper. >clap< >clap< #weedthoughts ~ also, did that guy ever come down with The Clap. also, I will be googling “what is the clap” because I’m clueless.
#guinessworldrecord #weedthoughts