Today I published the 44 edition of Short Ruby News.
If you are not yet subscribed, you can read it online.
You will find in this edition:
- New Ruby events launched
- New speakers announced for existing events
- Code samples to inspire you
- New gems
- Updates of existing libraries
There are also a lot of good articles (tutorials and deep dives), new podcast episodes, and some pieces of wisdom about programming performance or reviews.
John Parish & Aldous Harding - Three Hours
#bestnewmusic2023 #week21 #johnparish #aldousharding
Angelo De Augustine - The Ballad of Betty and Barney Hill
#bestnewmusic2023 #week21 #angelodeaugustine
THE GOA EXPRESS - Talking About Stuff
#bestnewmusic2023 #week21 #thegoaexpress
# Air Waves - Star Earring (Planningtorock's 'Planningtostar' Version)
#bestnewmusic2023 #week21 #airwaves