#WeekendSewing continued: today it’s (going to be) a dress in cotton lawn. I’m not sure I love the shape of these shoulders, but at least it’s continuing my #Easter #floral theme.
#weekendsewing #easter #floral #sewing #dressmaking #ithaspockets
Das Schnittmuster sagt ich brauch 0,7m Oberstoff.
Es verschweigt, dass ich nach dem Zuschnitt noch die Hälfte davon über hab.
#weekendsewingclub #weekendsewist #weekendsewing #sewing
This dress sample in this tiger print. Yay.
#sewing #weekendsewing #weekendsewist #weekendsewingclub
I have always sew from patterns bur this year wanted to learn to drape. I watched a few videos and I would say not bad for a first try.
#WeekendSewing the fabric is laid out now, it's slippery enough I've taped as well as weighted down..