here's a recording of last night's set. it's some new-ish tracks and oldies from #renoise, #impulsetracker, #schismtracker, #ironchefofmusic, #weeklybeats and general noodling 🍜
#weeklybeats #ironchefofmusic #schismtracker #impulsetracker #renoise
Just uploaded my track for week 52 of #weeklybeats - managed 43 out of 52 so I'd call that a success. It's been a productive year all told, and I'm just hoping to master proper mastering in 2023 as that's the area I struggle with the most.
On a technical level I find getting everything the same level and knowing the right output frequency/bitrate etc is something I still don't feel confident about after all these years. Professionally-produced music always sounds louder and clearer, where when I do it it's quiet but overcompressed.
If anyone has a good guide for finalising tracks, I mean the real basics of what I need to do at the very final stage to get a quality output then please share.
Playing around with the Organteq physically modeled pipe organ this week!
#makemusic #music #classical #weeklybeats #organ #fugue
#fugue #organ #weeklybeats #classical #music #makemusic
This one is definitely a throwaway tune, but mp3s are finally handled by again, so here goes.
#dirtywave #pixelart #weeklybeats #49 #breaksandpixels #pixaki
#dirtywave #pixelart #weeklybeats #breaksandpixels #pixaki
I've been feeling nostalgic for the days when my kid was teensy (because I've mentally repressed all the trauma 😭). So a lullaby this week: #makemusic #music #weeklybeats #musicbox #zen-core
#zen #Musicbox #weeklybeats #music #makemusic
This week's tune features first footage from my sub 250g #djio3 4" build that recently survived a buzzard attack and I have no footage to show for.
The camera is nice and wide, but so far unstabilized as the gyro is very sensitive and it will need a bit of wiggling (pun intended) to get it smooth.
#weeklybeats #m8 #dirtywave #tracker #occusync #dji #buzzard #prey #drone
#djio3 #weeklybeats #m8 #dirtywave #tracker #occusync #dji #buzzard #prey #drone
#weeklybeats #music here's the 52 #creativecommons CC-BY licensed tracks i made in #2020
#creativecommons #music #weeklybeats