NFT Sales See Modest Increase of 1.46% to Reach $149M in Past Week - In the past week, sales of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have increased by 1.46%, rak... - #digitalcollectibles #marketsandprices #cryptocurrency #weeklynftsales #blockchain #creativity #innovation #investment #technology #ethereum #nftsales #market #trends #sales #nfts
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NFT Sales Soar 138% in Past Week, Blur Market Dominates This Week’s ETH-Based NFT Sales - Non-fungible token (NFT) sales have soared this past week, climbing 138.15% higher... - #blockchaintechnology #mutantapeyachtclub #boredapeyachtclub #marketsandprices #digitalownership #assetmanagement #cryptocurrency #weeklynftsales #decentralized #opepenedition #investments #marketshare
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NFT Sales This Week Jumped 27% Higher, Cryptopunks Rise Above Bored Apes - On Dec. 14, 2022, statistics show that non-fungible token (NFT) sales jumped 27.72... - #cryptoslam.io7daysales #arbitrumblockchain #mutantapeyachtclub #non-fungibletokens #boredapeyachtclub #mostexpensivenfts #non-fungibletoken #marketsandprices #nftsalesaction #weeklynftsales #7-daynftsales #cryptopunks
#cryptopunks #weeklynftsales #nftsalesaction #marketsandprices #mostexpensivenfts #boredapeyachtclub #non #mutantapeyachtclub #arbitrumblockchain #cryptoslam
New Digital Collectible Collections Art Gobblers and Keepers Propel NFT Sales 56% Higher This Week - Non-fungible token (NFT) sales increased a great deal during the last seven days a... - #non-fungibletokens #boredapeyachtclub #mostexpensivenfts #non-fungibletoken #marketsandprices #nftcollections #weeklynftsales #7-daynftsales #overallsales #ethereum
#ethereum #overallsales #cryptoslam #weeklynftsales #nftcollections #marketsandprices #mostexpensivenfts #boredapeyachtclub #non