So what did I learn from doing #weekofnewttrpgs ? There are so many amazing #ttrpg games out there that are worth looking at beyond the biggest names. Still on my list is Liminal, Index Card RPG, Dungeon Crawl Classics, Forbidden Lands, Lancer, Ryuutama, The Expanse, Tales from the Loop, Vaesen
#weekofnewttrpgs Day 7 - Quest, this is one of the best games I've ever seen for learning a #ttrpg it's clear concise and does it in such a amazing way it's hard not to be impressed. Even better everything you need to run the game is in one book, love it. #questrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs #ttrpg #QuestRPG
#weekofnewttrpgs Day 6 - Mothership, when I asked on Reddit for suggestions for a scifi game, this game became the most mentioned and I can see why, still in development this horror scifi game combines all the dark scifi movies you've watched in a really good way, check it out. #mothership #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs #mothership #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs Day 5 - Into the Odd, I was seduced by the hardback book design, it's pretty rules light and the concept is interesting, steampunky, dark, oppressive and apocolyptic. It's the kind of game I can see taking on holiday, it need so little to run it. #intotheodd #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs #IntoTheOdd #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs Day 4 - Mork Börg, once you get past the amazing heavy metal style design of the rule book, you find a completely twisted fantasy world and truly unique character creation process, love it. #morkborg #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs #MorkBorg #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs Day 3 - City of Mist, I've had this book for a while, the artwork is amazing the concept is great but what strikes me as really interesting is the characters, how they work and how they grow. Worth a look if you want to try something different #cityofmist #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs #CityOfMist #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs Day 2 - Traveller, I've been looking for a scifi themed game for a while and Traveller looks like it's going to be the one for me, it's got a very cool character creation dynamic and doesn't seem to fall into the trap of just fantasy game in space. #traveller #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs #traveller #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs Day 1 - Achtung!Cthulhu. I've been playing a lot of Call of Cthulhu recently and this is a very different feel, more like Wolfenstein, Hellboy and the first Captain America film. Looks like a fun game, not a massive fan of custom dice but still worth a look. #achtungcthulhu #ttrpg
#weekofnewttrpgs #achtungcthulhu #ttrpg