Jorge ☕️ · @rjmourinha
116 followers · 1259 posts · Server

Film of the day: 乳房よ永遠なれ (FOREVER A WOMAN, dir Kinuyo Tanaka, 1955) Seldom has a classic three-handkerchief weepie been so daringly modern while avoiding all traps of excess and decorum, creating a truthful portrait of female resilience and defiance that transcends the confines of its genre.

#melodrama #illness #weepie #japanesecinema #kinuyotanaka

Last updated 1 year ago

Ali Mercer · @alimercerwriter
239 followers · 177 posts · Server

me ! (If my hair looks a bit less than perfectly soigne, it's cos editing involves a certain amount of tearing your hair out, or at least fiddling with it while you ponder.)

V pleased my latest is in the Amazon UK top 100 this morning. It's just 99p/99c at the mo: and is a big lush emotional drama of love and family and secrets - made my cry!

#editing #novel #achildsgoodbye #kindle #weepie #story #editor #book #bookstodon #fiction #writer #writerslife #author #alimercer

Last updated 2 years ago