Checking htop on #footiMac after two weeks of operations with its upgraded resources, and new responsibilities.
It is still far more responsive in all respects. Changes I've noticed:
1) very few web response delays for Mastodon retrieving posts/notifications or uploading pictures/videos.
2) when I logged in remotely before it would take a few seconds. Now it is nearly instant.
3) according to htop the loads are below 0.70 most of the time.
4) RAM usage has gone from 3.2GB (84%) to 6.3GB (40%)
Resources before: 4GB RAM - Dual-core i5 - 1TB HDD
After: 16GB RAM - Dual-core i5 - 1TB SSD.
Services before:
Small Web (3 static Twitter Archives)
local DNS Server
Services after:
Small Web (3 static Twitter Archives)
local DNS Server
WeeWx Weather Server
HomeBridge Automation Server
#selfhost #mastoAdmin #PixelfedAdmin #Mastodon #Pixelfed #WeatherServer #WeeWx #HomeBridge #iMac #Apple #Debian #SelfHosted
#footimac #selfhost #mastoadmin #pixelfedadmin #mastodon #pixelfed #weatherserver #weewx #homebridge #imac #apple #debian #selfhosted
Welp, the reason my #weather station stopped transmitting is the last big gust sent it to the concrete. So I'm looking for a new one - Fine Offset doesn't seem to make USB stations anymore, so my #pywws is out. I'm thinking of the #Ecowitt GW1102 with #WeeWx on a Pi. Any opinions or better choices?
#weewx #ecowitt #pywws #weather
Fun, there is a #weewx to #Mastodon #bot if you have a weather station you want to post to this service.
I feel a #weather project coming on: #weewx
I was playing with the idea of getting one of those #WeeWX weather stations, just to collect some data and maybe do some #APRS. I checked out their map and saw that the most popular hardware in my area is the Davis Vantage Pro/Pro2. After checking out the price, I do wonder how can you justify spending north of 800 bucks on a weather station? How can it even be that expensive, when you can have a simple sensor set and display on Amazon for double-digits?
I class 50kph gusts as properly #windy, given my #weather station is in a sheltered little valley. #taranaki #newzealand
( for those that like data. #weewx).
#windy #weather #taranaki #newzealand #weewx
MetroWest #Weather
8:00am Cloudy 57°F after almost two inches of rain yesterday and overnight.
(It continues to be a steady learning experience, exploring the features of the Free Software #weewx weather software. It was exciting to validate that the sensor station reports of major interest are working as expected.)
(3/3) Set up was a breeze. I quickly had the outdoor unit assembled and mounted in the garden.
It's just one unit so there are no messy cables.
The console's great and shows lots of info with the push of a few buttons.
Then it was time to re-familiarise myself with WeeWX. It's running well and reporting into CWOP, PWS, WOW, AWEKAS and Weather Underground. It's also got its own site
I'm really happy with it so far! #weather #weatherstation #maplin #geek #tywydd #weewx
#weewx #tywydd #geek #maplin #weatherstation #weather
(2/3) So... Get a similar station, or do I invest in something better?
I decided to upgrade to a Davis Vantage Vue station with USB data logger/interface. They seem to have a great reputation. It won't measure anything the old station didn't, but the outdoor unit is a single part, which is neater, and can charge up using it's solar panel.
It's also fully compatible with the WeeWX software that I had been using with my old station!
#weather #weatherstation #maplin #geek #tywydd #weewx
#weewx #tywydd #geek #maplin #weatherstation #weather
(1/3) So for years I had a weather station that I bought from Maplin with my staff discount. Yeah, it was a while ago.
After slowly replacing almost every part of it, about 3 years ago the receiver/display failed, making the whole thing useless.
A replacement would cost the same as the whole kit and I just kind of gave up on it.
Recently I decided I was going to sort it out. At this point, the anemometer had ceased up too... #weather #weatherstation #maplin #geek #tywydd #weewx
#weewx #tywydd #geek #maplin #weatherstation #weather
Archive: Yesterdays weather (Thursday 02-Feb-2023) at
Central Port Alberni:
Temp: (min: 1.8° C at 05:10:07) (max: 5.4° C at 15:34:30)
Humidity: (min: 97% at 13:29:56) (max: 99% at 00:00:01)
Pressure: (min: 101.5 kPa at 23:44:01) (max: 102.0 kPa at 03:58:59)
Windspeed: 1.7 kph : 3.9 kph (gust)
Rain Total (24 hrs since 9am yesterday) : $since($hour=23).rain.sum
More info via #weewx at
automatisiertes stündliches #Wetter und Wetterkamerabild aus #Behrendorf #Wische unter @wischekurier #weewx #mastodon
#mastodon #weewx #Wische #Behrendorf #wetter
I’m a weather nerd from a family of weather nerds. Just replaced the sensor array in my local weather station - It’s amazing that open source developers building on each other’s work can deliver a system that literally grabs data out of the air and makes a pretty web page! #weewx #weewxsdr #rtl433 #weather
#weather #rtl433 #weewxsdr #weewx
I’m a weather nerd from a family of weather nerds. Just replaced the sensor array in my local weather station - It’s amazing that open source developers building on each other’s work can deliver a system that literally grabs data out of the air and makes a pretty web page! #weewx #weewx-sdr #rtl-433
@paulfish weewx stores data in mysql or alternate database service and uses rdtool to render plots of the time series data. A Raspberry Pi running Raspian is perfectly able to run it, or any old PC running a current Linux distribution. You want weewx4 - the Python 3 capable one. Or, there are other solutions... open source means choice! #opensource #weewx #weather #Linux #RPi
#opensource #weewx #weather #linux #rpi
@mayor @wunderground Just do it! It's easy to get started. Nice product comparison:
The Ambient Weather models are nice, A.W. hardware are clones built from components designed by Fine Offset. I've chosen Ecowitt parts (also cloned from F.O.) which offer the same components but for a different cloud network than Ambient Weather, and have an additional gateway easy to use with the open source #weewx software to submit data to other cloud data providers.
Personal weather station components have started to arrive. I got the sensor gateway configured, calibrated and reporting barometric pressure values to @wunderground yesterday. Although I could set up #weewx and get it posting to #CWOP I'm holding off until all the sensors arrive. #weather #wunderground #hobby #ecowitt
#weewx #cwop #weather #wunderground #hobby #ecowitt
Hab da mal ne Live #Wettercam an meine #Wetterstation via Webrtc angehäkelt ;-) #weewx #NeoWX
#neowx #weewx #wetterstation #wettercam