Weight-loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy also protect your heart - Enlarge / An injection pen at the Novo Nordisk A/S production facilitie... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1965717 #semaglutide #syndication #science #ozempic #health #wegovy
#wegovy #health #ozempic #science #syndication #semaglutide
Ars Technica: Weight-loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy also protect your heart https://arstechnica.com/?p=1965717 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #semaglutide #syndication #Science #Ozempic #Health #wegovy
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #semaglutide #syndication #science #ozempic #health #wegovy
Danish drugmaker Novo Nordisk is now Europe's largest company in market capitalisation, ahead of French luxury giant LVMH.
This follows the UK launch of Wegovy, a weight loss drug that cuts appetite and cravings. Tens of thousands of people have already signed up to waiting lists for the treatment.
#Europe #Denmark #NovoNordisk #UK #Wegovy #WeightLoss #Drug #Pharma
#pharma #drug #weightloss #wegovy #UK #NovoNordisk #denmark #Europe
My #WeGovy prescription is late because of a glitch in Amazon Pharmacy's system. Amazon should really consult with a company that is good at eCommerce so it doesn't run into problems like this. #amazon #ecommerce #pharmacies #fuckhealthcare #healthcare
#wegovy #amazon #ecommerce #pharmacies #fuckhealthcare #healthcare
The nation’s #obesity epidemic is growing. Nearly 42 percent of all American adults are considered #obese. Now, new findings about the FDA-approved weight-loss drug #Wegovy may lead to even more demand for a medication that can be both life-changing and expensive.
#obesity #obese #wegovy #cardiovascularhealth #Health
Popular weight-loss drugs like #Wegovy may raise risk of complications under anesthesia
“This is such a serious sort of potential complication that everybody who takes this drug should know about it"
Interessante resultater for Semaglutid, der nu ikke bare har vist en effekt på vægten, men også på risikoen for hjertekarsygdomme. Vigtigt at huske, at det handler om personer med kendt hjertekarsygdomme, ikke raske overvægtige
https://dagensmedicin.dk/novo-nordisk-overrasker-positivt-med-banebrydende-resultater/ #dksund #sundpol #wegovy
Pharmakonzern schränkt Wegovy-Zugang weiter ein
Das Geschäft mit der Abnehmspritze hat Novo Nordisk zu einem der wertvollsten börsennotierten Unternehmen Europas gemacht. In den USA ist die Nachfrage nach Wegovy so groß, dass der Konzern das Angebot einschränken muss.
#wegovy #novonordisk #usa #abnehmspritzen
Good news! So many are struggling and this could change lives! And save them too.
#NovoNordisk #ozempic #ozempicweightloss #wegovy #weightlossmeds
Insurers face long road, high cost to cover obesity drugs after promising Wegovy heart health data
Read more details and access PDF here:
#novonordisk #ozempic #ozempicweightloss #wegovy #weightlossmeds
A new #obesity drug, #Wegovy, slashed the risk of serious heart problems by 20 percent in a large trial, the drug’s maker said on Tuesday, a finding that could challenge the perception of weight loss drugs as nothing more than cosmetic medicines and put pressure on insurers to cover them.
Scary side effects of Ozempic, Wegovy weight loss/diabetes drugs
"The circuitry of desire is vast [...] in contrast, neurons that give rise to pleasure cluster into a few small islands [...] hot spots of happiness bobbing in a sea of want."
Come for the science of how #obesity and #diabetes #GLP-1 drugs like #Ozempic and #Wegovy eradicate desire; stay for Megan Molteni's writing
#obesity #diabetes #glp #ozempic #wegovy #health #healthcare #medicine #Science #research
Diabetes drugs like #Wegovy, #Mounjaro and #Ozempic are in the news for their notable side effect: #weightloss. But they're super expensive.
An older, more well-studied stand-by #diabetes drug offers many of the same benefits at a fraction of the cost: #metformin.
This physician/writer analyzes and compares: https://medium.com/wise-well/how-metformin-may-help-you-live-longer-and-healthier-b50e9c31139f
#wegovy #mounjaro #ozempic #weightloss #diabetes #metformin
“It’s one thing to reach out to physicians and say ‘We’ve got these treatments and they’re so effective and we want you to know about them,’ I don’t think that’s ever going to explain over 100 meals. You just have to laugh, it’s so crazy.”
by (who else but) @STAT's Nick Florko: https://www.statnews.com/2023/07/05/ozempic-rybelsus-novo-nordisk-meals-for-doctors/
#obesity #drugs #GLP1 #ozempic #wegovy #rybelsus #semaglutide #pharma #BigPharma #health #medicine #healthcare #NovoNordisk
#obesity #drugs #glp1 #ozempic #wegovy #rybelsus #semaglutide #pharma #bigpharma #health #medicine #healthcare #novonordisk
The evidence is thus far not strong, but the scientific theory behind it is solid, and being tested. Fascinating stuff. #addiction #Ozempic #wegovy #GLP1ReceptorAgonists
Can diabetes and weight-loss drug Ozempic break addictions too? | Health | The Guardian
#addiction #ozempic #wegovy #glp1receptoragonists
Global News BC: Ozempic prescriptions to Americans plunge 99% in B.C. after N.S. doctor suspended https://globalnews.ca/news/9773962/ozempic-bc-prescriptions-americans-ns-doctor-suspended/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ozempicdoctorsuspended #Ozempicprescriptions #ozempicunitedstates #buyozempiccanada #Ozempicshortage #drdaviddavison #OzempicCanada #ozempicdoctor #OzempicinB.C. #daviddavison #Lifestyle #ozempicUS #Ozempic #Health #Wegovy
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ozempicdoctorsuspended #ozempicprescriptions #ozempicunitedstates #buyozempiccanada #ozempicshortage #drdaviddavison #ozempiccanada #ozempicdoctor #ozempicinb #daviddavison #lifestyle #ozempicus #ozempic #health #wegovy
Makeshift Diet Drug Danger
Diet drugs containing semaglutide are in great demand but….short supply. The FDA is now warning that the approved products including Rybelsus tablets, Ozempic injection, and Wegovy injection are being improperly spoofed, that is mimicked, by compounding pharmacies.
#dieting #semaglutide #ozempic #wegovy #rybelsus
#dieting #semaglutide #ozempic #wegovy #rybelsus
Weight-loss drugs aren’t a magic bullet for Britain’s obesity crisis | Gaby Hinsliff | The Guardian
#ozempic #wegovy #obesity #nomagicbullet #enviroment #support #overeating #junkfood
Bekymrende med udenlandske onlinelæger der med få klik kan give en recept, der kræver en ordentlig lægefaglig vurdering. Godt @LMSTdk sætter en stopper for det
https://politiken.dk/forbrugogliv/sundhedogmotion/art9369902/Styrelse-har-udstedt-p%C3%A5bud-til-apotek-efter-salg-af-slankemiddel #sundpol #dksund #wegovy
Det ser ud til flere ønsker/får fedmemiddel end der var målgruppen for lægemidlet, så måske Medicinrådet skulle kigge på hvem der skal have tilskud og hvem der skal betale hele regningen selv?
#dksund #sundpol #wegovy