#dover #refugeeswelcome #nooneisillegal #antifa #brightonantifascists #brighton #wegowheretheygo #neverletthenazishavethestreet
I love my local bar. I’m there, having a beer and reading. I came back from the bathroom and one of the regulars asks me about the book I’m reading. She’d eyed it while I was gone. I explain how Anti-Racist Action was founded here in Minneapolis and friends are quoted in the book. She proceeded to ask if she could take a picture of it so she can find it.
#antiracistaction #ara #pmpress #wegowheretheygo #mnastodon
I love my local bar. I’m there, having a beer and reading. I came back from the bathroom and one of the regulars asks me about the book I’m reading. She’d eyed it while I was gone. I explain how Anti-Racist Action was founded here in Minneapolis and friends are quoted in the book. She proceeded to ask if she could take a picture of it so she can find it.
#Anti-RacistAction #ARA #PMPress #WeGoWhereTheyGo
#anti #ara #pmpress #wegowheretheygo
@godlessmom@mas.what if we don’t engage thus boosting his algorithms? what if all we do is rt those antifascist accounts that still remain? what if we’ve blocked every ad for months thus get zero ads on our tl? #WeGoWhereTheyGo
@TomDelargy the reason i’m still active on bird is #WeGoWhereTheyGo as for debating fascists…