@endDRM on controversial #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #WEI proposal
"Many of us have grown up with a specific idea of the Internet, the notion of it as a collection of hyperlinked pages that can be accessed by a wide variety of different machines, programs, and operating systems. WEI is this idea's antithesis"
"Before serving a web page, a server can ask a #ThirdParty "verification" service to make sure that the user's browsing environment has not been "tampered" with"
#webenvironmentintegrity #wei #thirdparty
You thought #WebEnvironmentIntegrity (#WEI) was bad enough?
#Mozilla is alerted about a bill that has been suddenly put on an accelerated procedure in #France. That would force every #webbrowser to implement #censorship (not just at the #DNS).
#webenvironmentintegrity #wei #mozilla #france #webbrowser #censorship #dns #global #petition
If you know a list of WebKit/Blink (Chromium) browsers rejecting Google's latest piece of sh*t dubbed the Web Environment Integrity, please reply here.
I'm seeking to write a fingerprinting script to allow websites refuse to work on browsers not rejecting WEI. Boost for coverage.
#Google #WEI #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #W3C #OpenSource #FOSS
#google #wei #webenvironmentintegrity #w3c #opensource #foss
At https://rumores.eu/wei I made a snippet for your website to fight against #wei.
Thanks @stefan, even when I see no Popup ;) this is a great one!
Is it possible to extend it to warn about #WEI-Browsers?
#WEI: Googles Browser Integritätsprüfung macht mir ANGST
Evil Google ရဲ့ Web Environment Integrity ဆိုတဲ့ဟာကြီးသာ တကယ်ဖြစ်လာရင်တော့ အင်တာနက်က ရေဆုံမြုပ်ပြီပဲ။ သူ့အကျိုးစီးပွားကိုထိခိုက်တဲ့ Ad blocker တွေကိုသတ်ချင်တာနဲ့ အကုန်လိုက်ပိတ်ပင်နေတာ Google က တစ်နေ့ထက်တစ်နေ့ပိုစိတ်ပျက်ဖို့ကောင်းလာတယ်။
Google ရဲ့ product တွေနဲ့ကင်းအောင်နေဖို့ လွန်ခဲ့တဲ့နှစ်တွေတည်းက တဖြည်းဖြည်းနဲ့အဆက်ဖြတ်လာတာ အခုနောက်ဆုံး YouTube နဲ့ Google Maps ကျန်သေးတယ်။ Google Maps ကို #OpenStreetMap နဲ့ အစားထိုးလို့ရပေမယ့် YouTube ကိုအစားထိုးဖို့ကျ #PeerTube က မလုံလောက်သေးတော့ ခက်တာပဲ။
#EvilGoogle #Google #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #WEI #AdBlocker #DRM
#OpenStreetMap #PeerTube #evilgoogle #Google #webenvironmentintegrity #wei #adBlocker #DRM
Firefox vs. Google Chrome | User PRIVACY BENCHMARK: :firefox: 100 :omya_google: 0
Source: the source code availability.
Yes: Google seem to have plans to turn web browsers into DRM software - completely restricting AD blocking.
How would you feel about that?
If one continues supporting Chrome / Opera / Microsoft Edge (without even a requirement for it) it can happen faster.
Spoiler: it's planned => https://stackdiary.com/web-environment-integrity
#Firefox #Google #Chrome #WEI #adblocking #DRM #benchmark #browsers
#firefox #google #chrome #wei #adblocking #drm #benchmark #browsers
As for suggestions: new top-level protocols alone won't cut it. Leaving corporations and governments in control of standards has proven toxic (see recently: #EU attempts at #ChatControl; #Google attempting #BrowserSuppression aka #WEI).
We need a fresh start at decentralization and at putting effective & resilient control into the hands of people (not "users" or "customers"). On that, we can build.
The most promising starting point IMHO seems to be #Veilid.
#eu #chatcontrol #google #browsersuppression #wei #veilid
https://www.wacoca.com/kpop/794053/k-pop-drama/2023-08-23/ ハン・イェリ&WEi キム・ヨハン出演の新ドラマ「ザ・センス」制作が中止に?報道にコメント #drama #K-POP #K-POPDrama #Kstyle #KstyleDrama #wei #キム・ヨハン #ニュース #ハン・イェリ #韓国 #韓国アイドル #韓国エンタメ情報 #韓国ドラマ #韓国俳優 #韓国映画 #韓国芸能 #韓流 #韓流スター
#drama #k #kstyle #kstyledrama #wei #キム・ヨハン #ニュース #ハン・イェリ #韓国 #韓国アイドル #韓国エンタメ情報 #韓国ドラマ #韓国俳優 #韓国映画 #韓国芸能 #韓流 #韓流スター
What an analogy for #WebEnvironmentIntegrity #WEI
> Putting handcuffs on every shopper who enters a store would doubtless reduce shoplifting, and stores with less shoplifting might lower their prices, benefitting all of their customers
Security always has been a tradeoff, hasn't it?
Worth noting Chrome’s Web Environment Integrity proposal considered Safari’s Private Access Tokens “to be too private” because its implementation does not share the attestation device data back to the website requesting it. In this balance between your privacy and fraud prevention, Google is valuing your privacy less.
@juliank If adopted, I imagine Firefox would be forced to support it to continue being relevant, much like it had to find a compromise on Encrypted Media Extensions and H.264 licensing.
TIL Apple already shipped a functional equivalent in Safari of the terrible Chrome Web Environment Integrity API proposal.
It is less of a threat because Safari does not have Chromium’s market dominance, but it’s still bad and we should be demanding Apple remove it too. @webkit
I am grateful for Firefox recognizing the threat this proposal is to the open Web and opposing it, but the opposition won’t matter unless people use a different browser.
The endpoint of Web Environment Integrity is a closed Web
If you've heard of the #WEI (Web Environment Integrity) proposal, you'll know that it is a disaster in the making for everyone's internet freedom.
I've created No-WEI banner, a simple notice that will show to Google Chrome users on your website and warn them of the dangers of WEI.
It's easy to install; help get the word out!
Announcement: https://www.thran.uk/writ/devlog/2023/08/announcing-no-wei.html
JS Source: https://github.com/lordfeck/no-wei/
Ein Todesstoß für das offene Web?
#protest #freiheit #regulierung #plugins #chrome #google #wei #api #adguard #noads #bigtech
#bigtech #NoAds #adguard #api #wei #google #chrome #plugins #regulierung #freiheit #protest
Firefox vs. Google Chrome | User PRIVACY BENCHMARK: :firefox: 100 :google: 0
Source: the source code availability.
Yes: Google seem to have plans to turn web browsers into DRM software - completely restricting AD blocking.
How would you feel about that?
If one continues supporting Chrome / Opera / Microsoft Edge (without even a requirement for it) it can happen even faster.
It's already planned => https://stackdiary.com/web-environment-integrity
#Firefox #Google #Chrome #WEI #adblocking #DRM #benchmark #browsers
#firefox #google #chrome #wei #adblocking #drm #benchmark #browsers
Gibt es eigentlich schon Anti-#WEI-Banner, die Webseitenbesucher davor warnen, wenn sie einen Browser verwenden, der #WebEnvironmentIntegrity integriert hat?
Bestenfalls mit Links zu "mehr Informationen" und zum Einbau auf der eigenen Homepage?
@digitalcourage Ich denke, das würde zu etwas mehr Beachtung bei den Nutzern von #Chrome #Edge #SamsungInternet und Co. führen und könnte so evtl. eine kritische Masse generieren. 🤔
#samsunginternet #edge #chrome #webenvironmentintegrity #wei
#WebEnvironmentIntegrity is an all-out attack on the free Internet: Read why #WEI is terrible, and why we must vocally oppose it now. Google's latest maneuver threatens our freedom to explore the Internet with browsers of our choice. https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/web-environment-integrity-is-an-all-out-attack-on-the-free-internet #DRM
#webenvironmentintegrity #wei #drm