This is my image from #ArtificialIntelligence on #Weibo
#artificialintelligence #weibo
Huaweis neues Smartphone erreicht drahtlose Geschwindigkeiten wie Apple
Der neueste Streich aus dem Hause Huawei, das Mate 60 Pro, präsentiert sich im direkten Vergleich mit Apples aktuellsten Modellen
#News #Tellerrand #5G #Apple #ChinaMobileLtd #DrahtloseGeschwindigkeiten #HarmonyOS #Huawei #Mate60Pro #SemiconductorManufacturingInternationalCorp #USTechnologiesanktionen #Weibo
#News #tellerrand #5g #Apple #chinamobileltd #drahtlosegeschwindigkeiten #harmonyos #huawei #mate60pro #semiconductormanufacturinginternationalcorp #ustechnologiesanktionen #weibo
Gizmodo: These Mockups Might Be the iPhone 15's Default Wallpapers #technologyinternet #videotelephony #williamfaix #macrumors #iphone #apple #weibo #space
#technologyinternet #videotelephony #williamfaix #macrumors #iphone #apple #weibo #space
Nachdem 2012 die #chinesische #Variante von #Twitter - #Weibo, das als #Werkzeug für #demokratischen #öffentlichen #Diskurs #Verwendung gefunden hatte, mit #Zensur, #Strafen und #Verhaftungen #bekämpft wurde, hat #Tencent mit der #KP zusammen #Wechat hervorgebracht, bei dem ein #Zusammenschluss nur in #kleinen #Gruppen von #maximal 500 #Personen #erlaubt und #möglich ist.
#China #Diktatur #Autoritarismus #Regime
#SZ 27.07.23 #Feuilleton S. 9, Kai #Strittmatter - Alles eins, alles meins
#Chinesisch #Variante #twitter #weibo #werkzeug #demokratisch #offentlich #diskurs #verwendung #zensur #strafe #verhaftung #bekampft #tencent #kp #wechat #zusammenschluss #klein #Gruppe #maximal #person #erlaubt #moglich #china #diktatur #autoritarismus #regime #sz #feuilleton #Strittmatter
Yang figured out how to test these dueling hypotheses. He got 10m Chinese social media posts from the start of the pandemic, before companies like #Weibo were required to censor certain pandemic-related posts as politically sensitive. Yang treats these posts as a robust snapshot of public opinion: because there was no censorship of pandemic-related chatter, Chinese users were free to post anything they wanted without having to self-censor for fear of retaliation or deletion.
Yeah, but that was rather part of #MadElon's attempts to manipulate the value of certain #kryptocurrencies for his own darn profit. He's done it repeatedly, he will do it again because he's a greedy slimeball with zero ethics or values. Hence his buddying up to the #CCP on #weibo.
Shame on #ElonMusk.
#MadElon #kryptocurrencies #ccp #weibo #elonmusk
#Weibo, one of #China's main social platforms, will start testing #AI content creation. It has been under pressure from short video apps and is looking to improve efficiency and increase creator earnings to stay competative.
小島瑠璃子、ボリュームミニドレスですらり美脚 パールネックレスで格上げ
#maidigitv #weibo #WEIBOAccountFestivalinJapan2019 #取材・リポート #小島瑠璃子 #毎日キレイ #芸能
#maidigitv #weibo #weiboaccountfestivalinjapan2019 #取材・リポート #小島瑠璃子 #毎日キレイ #芸能
If you're not in China, and don't read Chinese, it can sometimes be confusing, difficult or even impossible to view content on some Chinese platforms.
#Weibo is fairly straightforward: it's either fine, or it's blocked in your country. In the latter case, you could try a VPN.
#Douyin may also be blocked in your country (in which case, in VPN is your friend). Even if it's not blocked, if you're not logged in, you may need to slide a puzzle piece across to see each video.
I'm not a hypocrite.
I don't use any #Google product, any #Meta platform, #Zoom or most other #bigtech platforms. I generally use privacy oriented or open source alternatives (like #Mastodon) instead.
Yet I think its completely wrong to equate the real concerns I and many others have with those platforms with #TikTok. There are specific, worrying #security & #disinformation around any platforms that operates from #China - including #WeChat #Weibo & others.
#google #meta #zoom #bigtech #mastodon #tiktok #security #disinformation #china #wechat #weibo
Google Suspends Chinese E-Commerce App Pinduoduo Over Malware #ALittleSunshine #LatestWarnings #DataBreaches #BreachForums #WebFraud2.0 #PDDHoldings #ProjectZero #LiuHuafang #ByteDance #Pinduoduo #DarkNavy #google #Tiktok #Weibo #Temu
#ALittleSunshine #LatestWarnings #DataBreaches #BreachForums #WebFraud2 #pddholdings #projectzero #liuhuafang #bytedance #pinduoduo #darknavy #google #tiktok #weibo #temu
Google Suspends Chinese E-Commerce App Pinduoduo Over Malware - Google says it has suspended the app for the Chinese e-commerce giant Pinduoduo af... #alittlesunshine #latestwarnings #databreaches #breachforums #webfraud2.0 #pddholdings #projectzero #liuhuafang #bytedance #pinduoduo #darknavy #google #tiktok #weibo #temu
#temu #weibo #tiktok #google #darknavy #pinduoduo #bytedance #liuhuafang #projectzero #pddholdings #webfraud2 #breachforums #databreaches #latestwarnings #alittlesunshine
Kotaku: The Next Pokémon Animation Looks Incredible #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #roleplayingvideogames #videogamecharacters #pokc3a9monuniverse #pokc3a9moncompany #book3apokc3a9mon #pokc3a9monanime #latiasandlatios #creativeworks #bumpofchicken #videogaming #pokemon #weibo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #roleplayingvideogames #videogamecharacters #pokc3a9monuniverse #pokc3a9moncompany #book3apokc3a9mon #pokc3a9monanime #latiasandlatios #creativeworks #bumpofchicken #videogaming #pokemon #weibo
Metaprogramming Serverless Functions in Mongo Atlas is really simple.
I'm using #MongoDB Atlas Functions & Triggers to fetch the daily Weibo trending topics.
Then, for each trending topic I use a Database Trigger to set up functions (programatically) which fetch tweets & comments around said topic.
At the end of the day, I purge all functions and start from scratch with fresh trending content.
#mongodb #weibo #mongo #serverless
“#Chinese social media reactions to the #spy #balloon”
“The U.S. should respect the floating freedom of the balloon,” a #Weibo user wrote. Others are mocking America for being easily spooked, while some are are expressing doubts about the Chinese government's explanation that the 'airship' was for meteorological purposes only.
宮沢氷魚、中国語&英語ミックスのスピーチ披露 「若手俳優賞」受賞 「WEIBO Account Festival in Tokyo 2020」
★高画質★エンタメニュースを毎日掲載!「MAiDiGiTV」登録はこちら↓ 中国最大のSNS「WEIBO(ウェイボー)」で活躍し中国に大きな影響力を持つ企業やアーティストなどを表彰する「WEIBO Account Festival in Tokyo 2020」が2月4日、東京都内で開催され、俳優の宮沢氷魚さんが登場。宮沢さんは「若手俳優賞」を受賞した。
##宮沢氷魚 #maidigitv #May'n #WEIBO #WEIBOAccountFestivalinTokyo2020 #ウェイボー #ピカチュウ #ポケットモンスター #三吉彩花 #取材・リポート #大橋彩香 #宮野真守 #山崎賢人 #山本彩 #春奈るな #竜星涼 #芸能 #観月ありさ #赤楚衛二
#赤楚衛二 #観月ありさ #芸能 #竜星涼 #春奈るな #山本彩 #山崎賢人 #宮野真守 #大橋彩香 #取材 #三吉彩花 #ポケットモンスター #ピカチュウ #ウェイボー #WEIBOAccountFestivalinTokyo2020 #weibo #may #maidigitv #宮沢氷魚
Found a little gem today during #Weibo digging. Dude winning 5million RMB in a bonus from a company, with another account quickly criticising the win, and the country's communist ideologies. However, I think there's an interesting bit...
#China #TheGreatTranslationMovement #TGTM
#weibo #china #TheGreatTranslationMovement #TGTM