Is the glass half full? Or empty? A third of physicians find either #obesity or #diabetes "repulsive" to treat. Implicit #WeightBias is high, but no longer rising. Good news/bad news from UConn Rudd Center and Project Implicit.
#obesity #diabetes #weightbias
At #AACE2023 yesterday, Dr. Karl Nadolsky led in presenting and publishing a new consensus on #WeightBias in #ObesityCare. Honored to be an author, along with a host of other talented experts.
#aace2023 #weightbias #obesitycare
Is it an expression of #WeightBias when someone declares that no one should ever receive treatment for #obesity? Yep. But we're hearing this from some people who claim to oppose weight bias.
Weight Loss Programs & Weight Stigma
Did you know you can now "watch" our podcasts on YouTube? Check it out and subscribe to our channel.
The entire weight loss industry is built around two things: control and making money. Except our weight isn't an indicator of health and it isn't something that's 100% under our control. In this episode
#PodcastEpisodes ##Noweigh #weightbias #weightloss #weightstigma #weightwatchers
#PodcastEpisodes #Noweigh #weightbias #weightloss #weightstigma #weightwatchers
This summit is for any clinician who is passionate about creating a more inclusive and equitable healthcare system.
In this summit, you'll learn to...
- recognize internalized and practiced #weightbias in clinical practice
- screen and refer appropriately for #EatingDisorders
- change the dialogue around weight in disease management
- reevaluate your personal relationship with your body
Think #WeightBias is not a problem in your clinic, your profession, or your region? #ThinkAgain.
#weightbias #thinkagain #stopweightbias
I was so excited to get the request to review this paper on #WeightBias in sexual assault scenarios from @APA_Journals Stigma and Health and I'm even more excited to see it published! This awesome paper builds off my work (and others, of course) and results demonstrate that ambiguity in SA scenarios leads to negative victim perceptions and more favourable views of the perpetrators #SexualViolence #Psychology
#psychology #sexualviolence #weightbias
Hello world! I’m new here so time for an #introduction. I’m Sara, an applied health researcher. I use primarily qualitative methods & have an interest in the role of policy in shaping health behaviours.
In my spare time I am a volunteer board member with Vélo Canada Bikes, a national non-profit dedicated to creating a #BikeFriendlyCanada. I'll be tooting about #HealthPromotion, #HealthEquity, #SafeStreets, #VisionZero, #Cycling, #ClimateAction, #ClimateJustice & #WeightBias among other things
#introduction #bikefriendlycanada #HealthPromotion #healthequity #safestreets #visionzero #cycling #climateaction #climatejustice #weightbias
While much of these do cause harm, I think what is the most harmful is a combination of medical #racism, #weightbias, #transphobia, #homophobia, #disability bias, and other hate based and #whitesupremacist ideas in medicine.
#racism #weightbias #transphobia #homophobia #whitesupremacist #disability
What #MedicalPseudoscience do you hate the most? #Naturopathy? #Homeopathy? #Chiropractor? #Acupuncture? #Reiki? #Detox? #WeightBias (weight is the cause of all med problems)? #DietCulture? Other? It’s hard for me to choose but I think the offenders that causes immense harm is weight bias and naturopathy in cancer. #pseudoscience
#medicalpseudoscience #naturopathy #homeopathy #chiropractor #acupuncture #reiki #detox #weightbias #dietculture #pseudoscience
Just had a doctor tell me an obese patient in the hospital does not need nutrition / food because they need to lose weight. WTF?! Time for another incident report. #weightbias #medicalnegligence #nutrition #RDChat
#weightbias #medicalnegligence #nutrition #rdchat