The #MuseumOfDiscoveryAndScience (#MODS) #AutoNationLive 15/70mm #IMAX #theater has added another two full weeks of #screenings for #Oppenheimer!
Yes, I plan to go again.
They've also finally been able to put #Barbie on the upcoming schedule, if anyone in #SoFla wants to watch six stories of #pink seriousness and hilarity 👍🏿
#oppenheimer #barbenheimer #kenough #weirdbarbie #pink #sofla #barbie #screenings #theater #imax #autonationlive #mods #museumofdiscoveryandscience
My review of the Weird Barbie doll: not weird enough
#barbie #weirdbarbie #barbiemovie #barbiedolls #barbiecollecting you can get your own pre-weird #WeirdBarbie !
I know, technically, "Weird #Barbie" is supposed to be customized by a child and this doll kinda misses that mark
..but I like to think of this offering in a similar way to a pair of predistressed jeans..
maybe we can hit both marks eventually and will a #BuildABarbee workshop into reality ! 🤣
#weirdbarbie #barbie #buildabarbee
I saw Barbie with my two eldest daughters. Weird Barbie, as well as Weird Barbie House, was one of the night’s favourites in our family. #Barbie #WeirdBarbie #KateMcKinnon
#barbie #weirdbarbie #katemckinnon
#Barbie is really good, funny, and thematically adult.
I'm surprised how much direct and indirect criticism of #Mattel and the #doll are in this #film and #ad, but there's also plenty in which to indulge for those who unironically love Barbie.
#WarnerBrosDiscovery also got a lot of ad time, especially the #boardroom #scene.
It's fresh and original, even with its #formulaic bits, and it bites hard in many places.
I love #WeirdBarbie ❤️🩹🖤💖
#kenough #iamkenough #weirdbarbie #Formulaic #scene #boardroom #warnerbrosdiscovery #ad #Film #doll #mattel #barbie
#Barbie is really good, funny, and thematically adult.
I'm surprised how much direct and indirect criticism of #Mattel and the #doll are in this #film and #ad, but there's also plenty in which to indulge for those who unironically love Barbie.
#WarnerBrosDiscovery also got a lot of ad time, especially the #boardroom #scene.
It's fresh and original, even with its #formulaic bits, and it bites hard in many places.
I love #WeirdBarbie ❤️🩹🖤💖
#kenough #iamkenough #weirdbarbie #Formulaic #scene #boardroom #warnerbrosdiscovery #ad #Film #doll #mattel #barbie