'Tis better to be full of #shoots than full of shit. - Random #wisdom from my #WeirdBrain βπΎπ§
#WhatsInMyGarden #zone8 #plants #EdiblePlant #EdibleOrnamentals #perennial #hostas #Wsanec #FoodSecurity #SelfSufficiency #GrowFood #FoodGarden #GrowPlantsNotHate #PlantAGarden #YYJgardeners #GardenersOfMastodon #MastodonGardeners #SDFGardeners #VictoriaBC #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #GardeningAddict #ClimateActionGardening #PlantFoodNotHate #YouGrowGirl #PlantShoots #BabyPlants
#shoots #wisdom #weirdbrain #whatsinmygarden #zone8 #plants #edibleplant #edibleornamentals #perennial #hostas #wsanec #foodsecurity #selfsufficiency #growfood #foodgarden #growplantsnothate #plantagarden #yyjgardeners #gardenersofmastodon #mastodongardeners #sdfgardeners #victoriabc #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #gardeningaddict #climateactiongardening #plantfoodnothate #yougrowgirl #plantshoots #babyplants
You know how our brain makes us do weird things at times? I just spent making one birthday card for more than 5 hours...
Completely painted landscape, interactive, 2 layers and if you turn the pole a origami fish comes out of the water.