For the first time I can ever remember, I was trying to read something in my dream last night. It was definitely real words, but they made nonsense sentences. Apparently it was a letter one of my oldest kid's friends had written me debating something I had done as a parent and it was written in columns like a newspaper article and it started with a quote from some philosopher or something. #WeirdDreams
My subconscious is a maelstrom of ideas; 20 min after waking and the #dreams are finally fading, gratefully.
The #dream continued with the "history" of the place - originally an opulent stage theater, with epic productions such as one where they flooded the stage for a play about the Titanic.
At one point, there was a big fire that gutted the front of the building, and it was rebuilt even more outrageous than ever.
All of this took place in... the 1920s, I think?
Last night's cinematic #dream was about... a cinema?
It started with someone describing a surprise party that was pulled off by "stuffing a theater", and "having the children hold lobsters".
You know, as you do.
Then, it turned into a history of that particular theater and its prankster owner - who once had an 18-hour film about himself shown twice a day (not sure how the math worked on that), and he would peek to see how many of his friends actually stayed.
Hey #insomniacs, what's the most recent wtf dream or nightmare you've had?
Me: owns a costco like business with products made of corn or hominy on shelves made of straw.
#insomniacs #dreams #nightmares #weirdaf #wtfmoment #weirddreams
I've never really considered #writing #horror, but with some of the rather cinematic #dreams I've had, lately, I'm starting to wonder...
Last night's dream movie had this rich old asshole who killed his secretary/mistress, and she cursed him. But, the curse became more of a long-term zombie apocalypse, because affected (dead) people would kill anyone they saw moving, so everyone had to board up their windows and doors, and seal up fireplaces and such.
#writing #horror #dreams #weirddreams
In addition to the usual work-related stress dreams, last night, I had one in which there was this, idunno, wizard-like creepy guy who had a nearly adult daughter whom he kept locked up in their castle for protection, but he also secretly had another young woman locked up in their castle as a prisoner. Even weirder, this part was in the form of a musical, with both women passionately singing a duet called "What Am I Doing Here?"
Sounds like I have some writing to do.
Woken by odd noises and a tug on the bedsheets, I look down to find two giant black beetles trying to climb towards me. Skittering and clicking, razor sharp mandibles snapping for my hands as I try to trap them in a jar. I don't want to hurt them for I am equally fascinated as much as alarmed. They can't be contained. Their strong legs remove the jar lid with ease ....
Then I woke up 🤷♀️
Welcome to my brain
#horrorstory #HorrorWriters #weirddreams
#horrorstory #HorrorWriters #weirddreams
I wonder if my dreams are stranger when I have a cold because the congestion interferes with my usual curious thought process. #weirddreams #congestion #strangerdreamsthanusual
#weirddreams #congestion #strangerdreamsthanusual
25 years later and I still have a recurrent nightmare where i forget to hand in a university philosophy thesis. Of all the potential things to be stressed about, no idea why my brain fixates on ‘Were Pavlov’s experiments ethical’ 😑🤣 #philopsphy #WeirdDreams
Had a weird dream that I was in a house with a school friend, and the ppl in the house were being weird, and when I left, I looked down and had no shoes on so I stormed back in the house and it turns out I had them on I just had a blindness to my own shoes. #WeirdDreams
Booked my travel from here to home. Hopefully it'll stop my travel anxiety from invading my dreams like it did last night.
I dreamt I was on a plane, but it was huge, I couldn't find my seat, and I left my luggage.
Then it crashed into a train track and turned into a train.
By the end of the dream it was a big boat. And my phone was low power (another big anxiety I have, hence why I have 2 big portable chargers... So far).
Then I was trying to get my mum to call to report luggage missing... Phone still low power as my chargers were in my luggage... And I kept raising my voice randomly (meltdown?)...
Then I used the website instead and then woke up. And I'm missing a lot of weird details in this description as I always have #WeirdDreams
I've content warning'd this because sometimes hearing about dreams makes me feel uncomfortable personally.
Right before I got out of bed this morning my husband told me that he saw a study somewhere about a link between rain and casino attendance at the card tables. But did not go into details. That’s when I woke up. #dreams #sleep #weirddreams
I fell back to sleep after my earlier bout with insomnia. I dreamed about reading and going to bookstores, and really weird Girl Scout meetings, rain, and gliding down the freeway—no car, just my bare feet. Then, for the second time this week, it shifted into a Bond film. Some weird stuff happened, and by the end it was Madeleine and Vesper together trying to save Bond, who’d been captured.
#dreams #bookdreams #reading #inmydreams #weirddreams #jamesbond
#dreams #bookdreams #reading #inmydreams #weirddreams #jamesbond
I had a dream about The Rock having a mid-match wardrobe malfunction. 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️ #wrestlingdreams #weirddreams
Beneath the snarls of the dogs rumbles a single low, deep, guttural growl. The tiger lowers its head again, although its eyes are still visible, gleaming in the now-evening light.
I count the seconds. In three seconds, the tiger would leap into the pack of dogs.
My phone rings.
#nightmares #nightmare #dreams #dream #weirddreams
Heart thudding, I avoid the dogs and rush to the door. But the door is now locked. The people inside had shooed the wild dogs out to the front of the house and had locked the doors to stop them coming back in.
I run to the front door, but that's also locked and surrounded by dogs trying to get back in. Before they can see me, I rush to a bunch of bushes nearby and dive into it.
#dreams #nightmares #weirddreams
Last night, I dreamed I was examining a large map while watching a movie in a deluxe theater. Then, some white haired guy came up urgently asking if I was using a "data hammer". I stared at him for a moment wondering what he was talking about. Then I said, no, but what is that? He didn't seem to want to tell me. He tried to walk off but I followed him. I think he finally started to tell me what it is, but I don't remember that part. <Sigh> #dreams #dream #WeirdDream #WeirdDreams
#dreams #dream #weirddream #weirddreams
This was not the first night Jerry Orbach appeared in the strange dreams my brain produces, and I dare say it won’t be the last. #WeirdDreams
One of the funniest anxiety dreams I’ve ever had is the one where Sunstreaker the Transformer was late to class and didn’t know where it was. I was both seeing this unfold and simultaneously existing elsewhere, as it turned out I was in that same class.
It was the worst math class ever. I seem to remember there were a lot of balloons involved, like a lot, and somehow it made this not fun.
So yeah, it was a human sized classroom, and a giant robot trying to discreetly squeeze into an in-session classroom was about as successful as you might imagine.
None of this seemed weird to me at the time, except the balloons.