Donald Trump is reportedly obsessed with boxes
#SFGate #DonaldTrumpBoxes #TrumpObsession #PresidentialQuirks #WhiteHouseOddities #WeirdHabits #Politics #News
#sfgate #donaldtrumpboxes #trumpobsession #presidentialquirks #whitehouseoddities #weirdhabits #politics #news
Anyone else collect coats/sweatshirts in their car over the course of a few weeks and then have to bring all of them back inside? No? Just me? Lol. I just brought 7 pieces inside. 😂 #WeirdHabits
Anybody ever spontaneously start singing the Super Mario Bros. Underworld theme? Or is it just me? Dooga dooga dooga… #retrogaming #gaming #weirdhabits #nes
#retrogaming #gaming #weirdhabits #nes
Anybody ever spontaneously start singing the #supermariobros Underworld theme? Dooga dooga dooga… #gaming #weirdhabits
#supermariobros #gaming #weirdhabits
Anyone else turn off their music when they get lost while driving to concentrate harder? #driving #weirdhabits #lostandfound
#lostandfound #weirdhabits #driving