Kek-w, w-writer · @kekw
486 followers · 1489 posts · Server
Karl Sigler · @ksigler
14 followers · 69 posts · Server
Mike Palumbo · @MikePalumbo
156 followers · 325 posts · Server

Too excited about my latest to not share it -

AMBER and ELRIC hardcover collections from eBay

BEST OF C.L. MOORE and IN A LONELY PLACE from The Green Hand, Portland, ME

JIREL OF JOIRY and the PRYDAIN series from ThriftBooks


#bookhaul #books #bookstodon #fantasy #horror #sciencefiction #SciFi #swordandsorcery #weirdlit

Last updated 2 years ago

Karl Sigler · @ksigler
14 followers · 65 posts · Server

Happy 115th Birthday, K. Ungeheuer! This is K. at age 2 in 1910

#surrealism #horrorfiction #weirdtales #weirdlit #horror

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Palumbo · @MikePalumbo
147 followers · 275 posts · Server

in 2023 - 48/365
"The Autopsy" (1980)
by Michael Shea

Increasingly strange events plague the town of Bailey, culminating with an explosion in the mines beneath the town. Dr. Carl Winters, a terminally-ill pathologist, arrives to conduct autopsies on the victims of the explosion.

Shea blends cosmic horror with elements of science fiction in this tale of otherworldly possession.


#365stories #books #bookstodon #cabinetofcuriosities #horror #sciencefiction #SciFi #weirdlit

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Palumbo · @MikePalumbo
146 followers · 261 posts · Server

in 2023 - 47/365
"Frontier Death Song" (2012)
by Laird Barron

During the 1992 Iditarod, a racer witnesses as Graham, a fellow competitor, is caught and killed by the Wild Hunt. Two decades later, Graham returns as the new incarnation of the Huntsman, giving the racer three days to live.

Barron, a former Iditarod competitor himself, updates the Wild Hunt folklore motif with this story of survival against the odds.


#365stories #books #bookstodon #horror #reading #weirdlit

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Palumbo · @MikePalumbo
146 followers · 264 posts · Server

Exciting news for readers of Laird Barron and his ISAIAH COLERIDGE series; a new novella, THE WIND BEGAN TO HOWL, is coming this spring from Bad Hand Books.

Additionally, the publisher is forgoing their share of the profits for the first 30 days of preorders, to assist Barron as he recovers from a recent illness.

For many, myself included, this will be a day-one preorder.


#books #bookstodon #crimefiction #horror #reading #weirdlit

Last updated 2 years ago

a.a. de levine :dogroll: · @soalexgoes
310 followers · 222 posts · Server

hi, . coffin bell journal is open for submissions through 6/30!

our theme for this issue? MALICIOUS EDITIONS. haunted books, evil poems, gruesome recipes, a magazine article that drives its readers to murder, a swingers resort brochure that's actually a curse, etc.

submission guidelines found at

#coffinbelljournal #coffinbell #litmag #submissioncall #weirdfiction #weirdlit #speclit #horror #darklit #writers

Last updated 2 years ago

hi, . coffin bell journal is open for submissions through 6/30!

our theme for this issue? MALICIOUS EDITIONS. haunted books, evil poems, gruesome recipes, a magazine article that drives its readers to murder, a swingers resort brochure that's actually a curse, etc.

submission guidelines found at

#coffinbelljournal #coffinbell #litmag #submissioncall #weirdfiction #weirdlit #speclit #horror #darklit #writers

Last updated 2 years ago

Karl Sigler · @ksigler
12 followers · 37 posts · Server

Due to some Amazon weirdness, I have two (2) free Kindle editions of "The Cockroach of the Dada Movement" for the first two people to comment

NOTE: this coupon can only be redeemed in the US Kindle Store. I will DM you directly for the email for delivery. The coupon can be sent to any email address, so if you already own a copy you can gift it to any friend

#weirdfiction #weirdlit #horrorbooks #horrorfiction #horror

Last updated 2 years ago

a.a. de levine :dogroll: · @soalexgoes
310 followers · 222 posts · Server

hello and/or :

i wanted to make sure 1) is on your radar and let you know that 2) they're currently running a kickstarter to fund TWO upcoming . both take place in the town of bear creek.

as a former resident, i can tell you that this town is [redacted] because of what happened when [redacted] [redacted] beneath the silvery-white [redacted] until the screams became whispers.

join us:

#speclit #weirdlit #bookstodon #anthologies #bearcreekgazette #writers #readers

Last updated 2 years ago

hello and/or :

i wanted to make sure 1) is on your radar and let you know that 2) they're currently running a kickstarter to fund TWO upcoming . both take place in the town of bear creek.

as a former resident, i can tell you that this town is [redacted] because of what happened when [redacted] [redacted] beneath the silvery-white [redacted] until the screams became whispers.

join us:

#speclit #weirdlit #bookstodon #anthologies #bearcreekgazette #writers #readers

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Palumbo · @MikePalumbo
119 followers · 222 posts · Server

in 2023 - 26/365

“Perchance to Dream” (1958)
by Charles Beaumont

Philip Hall, having been awake for 72 hours, explains to a psychiatrist why he’s afraid to fall asleep.

While better known as a screenwriter, Beaumont was just as capable of grabbing a reader’s attention with his short stories; including this one, which was later adapted into an episode of The Twilight Zone.


#books #bookstodon #fantasy #horror #reading #twilightzone #weirdlit #365stories

Last updated 2 years ago

Sara · @CozyCatastrophe
96 followers · 288 posts · Server

Extremely saddened to hear of the death of writer Paul La Farge. His novel The Night Ocean is a favorite from the last decade. Different but worthwhile is his story Rosendale. I have been waiting for new stuff from him ever since.

#weirdlit #paullafarge

Last updated 2 years ago

Patch Zircher · @PatrickZircher
1017 followers · 851 posts · Server

The new issue of Weird Tales arrived.
Issue 366. Such a pleasure to get something like this in 2023, in its 100th year of publication. The binding and thickness, 128 pgs, gives it the durability and value of a paperback anthology.

I just wish I could of contributed a story illustration.

#weirdtales #weirdlit #swordandsorcery #shortstory #darkfantasy

Last updated 2 years ago

Patch Zircher · @PatrickZircher
738 followers · 529 posts · Server

Latest read, The Spider (1915) by Hans Heinz Ewer. The tenants of room 7 hang themselves, even a policeman taking the room after the first suicides. Then a skeptical medical student bluffs his way in and things get weird.
This is fantastic HOWEVER Ewer, because he "dalled with" Nazism-- even though he balked at their treatment of Jews & homosexuals (and the Nazis later destroyed his life)--is a forgotten writer (that's a lesson about fascism)
66 of

#400fantasystories #weirdlit #shortstory #books

Last updated 2 years ago

Patch Zircher · @PatrickZircher
987 followers · 801 posts · Server

Latest read, The Spider (1915) by Hans Heinz Ewer. The tenants of room 7 hang themselves, even a policeman taking the room after the first suicides. Then a skeptical medical student bluffs his way in and things get weird.
This is fantastic HOWEVER Ewer, because he "dalled with" Nazism-- even though he balked at their treatment of Jews & homosexuals (and the Nazis later destroyed his life)--is a forgotten writer (that's a lesson about fascism)
66 of

#400fantasystories #weirdlit #shortstory #books

Last updated 2 years ago

Walter Thinman · @Saposcat
5 followers · 19 posts · Server

@soalexgoes Not sure why I've been reluctant to boost, but this is my first one. When I first started exploring Mastodon I searched and found and then this story.

#weird #weirdlit

Last updated 2 years ago

: THE RIDER, by . published in the incomparable WEIRD HORROR MAGAZINE (@Undertow)

a man in need. a quiet, quiet, quiet suburb. a family, or something like it, settling down for dinner.

#shortfiction #shortstory #horror #weirdhorror #weirdlit #weirdliterature #brianevenson #storyoftheweek

Last updated 2 years ago

a.a. de levine :dogroll: · @soalexgoes
198 followers · 96 posts · Server

: THE RIDER, by . published in the incomparable WEIRD HORROR MAGAZINE (@Undertow)

a man in need. a quiet, quiet, quiet suburb. a family, or something like it, settling down for dinner.

#shortfiction #shortstory #horror #weirdhorror #weirdlit #weirdliterature #brianevenson #storyoftheweek

Last updated 2 years ago