I was interviewed for Noncompliant, a Canadian podcast by Anne Borden King. We had a good chat about #monotropism, #WeirdPrideDay, #Autscape, @amase and inclusive education.
#Monotropism #weirdprideday #Autscape
A little late for the day itself, but in time for the tail end of #NeurodiversityCelebrationWeek, I'd like to introduce you all to the new #WeirdPrideDay site:
#neurodiversitycelebrationweek #weirdprideday
Happy #WeirdPrideDay !✌️
I know #WeirdPrideDay was yesterday but I think every day should be #WeirdPride day and we should embrace our weirdness unapologetically, all the time. 🙌🌈
雖然對於位在UTC+8時區的人來說,這天已經過去了,但還是要介紹這個特別的日子——每年3月4日的 #WeirdPrideDay (無正式中文翻譯,暫譯為「怪咖自豪日」)!
簡單來說,這就是個 #我怪我驕傲 的日子,可以大方地分享自己的怪異之處。
所謂的“pride”,並不一定是要感到驕傲,更重要的意義在於「拒絕為此感到羞恥」。不知從何時起,每個人都在追求「正常」,碰到和自己不一樣的人,便(出於防禦機制地)排擠、攻擊他們,包含LGBT+者、神經多樣者(自閉、ADHD、學習障礙……)、移民、身心障礙者、邊緣宗教信徒等。這個日子的存在,便是希望每個人都能接納自己的怪/獨特、拒絕對「怪異」的污名化,在安全、不危害他人的前提下,自在地展現獨特! :blackcat_11127:
想知道更多,可以閱讀@ferrous@neurodifferent.me 的文章:
如果今天有空,我也會透過嘟文,分享自己的「怪」 :blackcat_11113:
#自閉文化放送站毛象分部 #weirdprideday #我怪我驕傲
It's #WeirdPrideDay in the UK!
Confession: I'm weird, despite being a boring #neurotypical. With role models like #OliverSacks, #AllenGinsberg, and #DavidCrosby, what did you expect - that I'd be normal?
(See more about #WeirdPrideDay: https://eventbrite.co.uk/e/weird-pride-day-2023-tickets-527751558117…)
#weirdprideday #neurotypical #oliversacks #allenginsberg #davidcrosby
Bud is here for Weird Pride Day because he's weird. Alpha Cat Types care the least about foolish conformist nonsense.
Embrace the weird. It's here to help.
#weirdprideday #Caturday #helpitsanalpha
Happy #WeirdPrideDay, everyone!
As long as people don't accept weirdness - their own and other people's - folk who have no choice but to be the way they are will be rejected, punished and discriminated against.
On Weird Pride Day, stand up and say you're weird and you're proud!
Meanwhile, spare a thought for those who aren't yet able celebrate their oddness safely - where social or psychological barriers mean that they feel they have to hide important parts of who they are.
#WeirdPride Day is for them too - for a world where one day, they won't have to.
I made a TikTok video explaining #WeirdPrideDay.
I'm old enough to be baffled by TikTok, but hopefully this will go down okay...
What are some good @actuallyautistic accounts to follow on #TikTok? Or just generally good accounts to follow?
This is me, for anyone who'd like to add me on there. No idea how much I'll use it, but I'm uploading a #WeirdPrideDay video now, anyway...
@amase I’ll have to think about whether I want to share my weirdness again – and which aspects of it I’d like to reveal 😉
(Of course, if there are loads of people who want to talk, I’ll defer to those who haven’t had the chance before)
Looking forward to the third #WeirdPrideDay :octo_happy:
Emergent Divergence will be hosting a Facebook Live event for #WeirdPrideDay (the 4th of March) at 2pm GMT.
Only 22 days until #WeirdPrideDay 2023!
We're running #WeirdPride Lightning Talks together with ARGH. At least one other online event is happening on the day, too - as well as the standing invitation for everyone to share their weirdness publicly!
¡Y también! #OrgulloDeSerRaro, #WeirdPrideDay en español:
#orgullodeserraro #weirdprideday
Here are some talks from last year's #WeirdPrideDay event with @amase and ARGH:
Here's a video of me explaining why #WeirdPrideDay is a thing, and why it's important:
I guess I should have linked something about #WeirdPrideDay! Here's my main post about it:
Starting to think seriously about this year's #WeirdPrideDay, which is now less than two months away (on the 4th of March).
I'm going to try and pull together some resources for schools to use.
One thing that could be useful on that front would be a list of #kidLit (and other things aimed at children) with clear #WeirdPride themes.
There are a lot of them out there, I know! But I'm not someone who keeps super up to date with such things.
Would you be able to recommend anything with central themes around accepting and celebrating difference?
#weirdprideday #KidLit #WeirdPride
As of tomorrow it's just three months until the third #WeirdPrideDay! Must be nearly time to start making plans.
@stimpunks put together an entry on weirdness and #WeirdPride: