@eatthelove @djzap
Here’s a cool discovery - if I say the word “hashtag” to my iPhone’s keyboard dictation, it camel cases things!
#ThisIsFun #EasierThanTryingToEdit
#ofteni #olddognewtricks #easierthantryingtoedit #thisisfun #weirdtricks #camelcase
Here’s a cool discovery - if I say the word “hashtag” to my iPhone’s keyboard dictation, it camel cases things!
#ThisIsFun #EasierThanTryingToTarget
#ofteni #olddognewtricks #easierthantryingtotarget #thisisfun #weirdtricks #camelcase
Here’s a cool discovery - if I say the word “hashtag” to my iPhone’s keyboard dictation, it camel cases things!
#ThisIsFun #EasierThanTryingToTarget
#ofteni #olddognewtricks #easierthantryingtotarget #thisisfun #weirdtricks #camelcase