Zum 100. Geburtstag von Josef #Weizenbaum habe ich einen Vortrag von 1990 aus unserem Akademie-Archiv geholt. https://www.ev-akademie-boll.de/mediathek/audio/hoerraeume/podcast/gesellschaftsveraendernde-einfluesse-der-maschinellen-intelligenz.html
Viel Spaß beim Hören!
@skarthik From a marketing point of view, I understand that AI systems are "designed and advertised to project an illusion of intelligence". As a human, I do not understand the necessity: Reliability is more important for me in most cases. And the cases, where creativity is important to me, I want several suggestions, I can live with less reliability, and still do not need "intelligence".
I really like that some of the mentioned #Weizenbaum questions relate to sustainability areas!
" Joseph Weizenbaum, juif de gauche rescapé de l’Allemagne nazie, inventa le premier chatbot en 1966 puis passa le reste de sa vie à s’inquiéter des dangers de l’IA et à combattre « l’artificial intelligentsia ». Il est grand temps de le redécouvrir. "
#Weizenbaum #AI #chatbot
So, it's been a while since I did an #Introduction #ConnectionList #TwitterMigration post where, I find interesting people for you to follow on #Mastodon, and use my reach to more closely connect the #Fediverse :fediverse:
@ANUResearch is the official Mastodon account of #ANU Research (I think, it all looks very legit, but I don't know the person behind the account) #research #university 🇦🇺
@drwaus is the new official account for Digital Rights Watch in Australia (h/t to all the good work Sam @floreani is doing in this space - don't forget to catch her #keynote at @pyconau@fosstodon.org later this month!)
@AoIR is the official Association of #Internet #Researchers account. Read more at https://aoir.org/about 🇺🇸
Professor @nilsph1 works in #knowledge organisation and information retrieval #IR at the Department of Archive, Library and Information Studies at #Oslo Metropolitan University @oslomet :flag-no:
@fionatribe is an #anthropologist, workplace #strategist and #ethnographer who works in #architecture and #OrgDesign 🇦🇺
@dcm is Dimitri Coelho Mollo, an Assistant #Professor in the Philosophy of #AI at #Umeå University :flag-se:
@anders is a #Communication strategist for #AI #Sweden :flag-se:
@rachaelvdm is a #MetaData #librarian #GLAM interested in #nature #art #history 🇳🇱 🇦🇺
@bentarnoff is a technical #writer, who recently wrote a brilliant piece on Joseph #Weizenbaum for The Guardian. You should read it. 🇺🇸
@observablehq is the official account of the #dataviz platform, based on #D3js from @mbostock
That's all for today, don't forget to share your own #ConnectionList, particularly as we say #RIPTwitter ❤️
#introduction #connectionlist #twittermigration #mastodon #fediverse #anu #research #university #keynote #internet #researchers #knowledge #ir #oslo #anthropologist #strategist #ethnographer #architecture #orgdesign #professor #ai #umea #communication #sweden #metadata #librarian #glam #nature #art #history #writer #weizenbaum #dataviz #d3js #riptwitter
#AI #Weizenbaum #Chatbots #PhilosophyOfTechnology: "Artificial intelligence, he came to believe, was an “index of the insanity of our world.”
Today, the view that artificial intelligence poses some kind of threat is no longer a minority position among those working on it. There are different opinions on which risks we should be most worried about, but many prominent researchers, from Timnit Gebru to Geoffrey Hinton – both ex-Google computer scientists – share the basic view that the technology can be toxic. Weizenbaum’s pessimism made him a lonely figure among computer scientists during the last three decades of his life; he would be less lonely in 2023.
There is so much in Weizenbaum’s thinking that is urgently relevant now. Perhaps his most fundamental heresy was the belief that the computer revolution, which Weizenbaum not only lived through but centrally participated in, was actually a counter-revolution. It strengthened repressive power structures instead of upending them. It constricted rather than enlarged our humanity, prompting people to think of themselves as little more than machines. By ceding so many decisions to computers, he thought, we had created a world that was more unequal and less rational, in which the richness of human reason had been flattened into the senseless routines of code.
Weizenbaum liked to say that every person is the product of a particular history. His ideas bear the imprint of his own particular history, which was shaped above all by the atrocities of the 20th century and the demands of his personal demons. Computers came naturally to him. The hard part, he said, was life."
#ai #weizenbaum #Chatbots #philosophyoftechnology
@cluster15 @chbmeyer @heiseonline
Die ersten negativen Effekte sind in den jetzigen Schülergenerationen schon sichtbar und werden kaum noch zu korrigieren sein.
Ich bleibe bei meinen Überzeugung:
1. #Weizenbaum hatte Recht.
2. #Spitzer hat Recht.
3. Digitale Medien haben in Kitas (IMO auch Grundschulen) nicht nur nichts zu suchen, sie sind *dort* sogar schädlich.
@kentindell Simple is the false adjective, in my opinion. In a world where the degree of loneliness rises to astonishing heights, having the feeling that someone is actually listening to you, in this case ELIZA, is a very powerful force, which can never be underestimated. #Eliza #Weizenbaum
Vor 45 Jahren hat sich Joseph #Weizenbaum in seinem Essay "Die Macht der Computer und die Ohnmacht der Vernunft" schon kritisch dazu geäußert, wie die Gesellschaft mit Computern und auch künstlicher Intelligenz (#KI) umgeht.
Als Erfinder des allerersten "Chatbots" sind seine Erkenntnisse von damals auch heute noch brandaktuell. Nur verstanden haben wir seine Lektionen als Gesellschaft immer noch nicht.
In dem Glauben, Menschsein simulieren zu können, entmenschlichen wir uns selbst.
while #gpt4 grows ever hungrier, here's another perspective from way back, closer to the computer big bang:
– with thanks to @plaguepoems
And, what should we think about the #ButlerianJihad from Dune ?
here, a tin man
looking for a clockwork heart
a lion dreaming
of a positronic brain
... more: https://clover.serveblog.net/w0dz/behind-the-curtain
#poetry #prose #smallpoems #AI #AIart #mind #dune #weizenbaum #philosophy #TheSingularity
#thesingularity #philosophy #weizenbaum #dune #mind #aiart #ai #smallpoems #prose #poetry #butlerianjihad #gpt4
Excited to be a reviewer for the #Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society
Angeregt durch den #ChatGPT -Hype habe ich nochmal von Joseph #Weizenbaum, "Die Macht der Computer und die Ohnmacht der Vernunft" gelesen. Geschrieben in den 70er-Jahren halte ich es für aktueller denn je. Zur Einordnung: damals waren Computer große Schränke in Unis und Firmen, die Ein- und Ausgabe erfolgte über Schreibmaschinen. Aber schon damals war #KI ein heiß diskutiertes Thema; und schon damals gab es die wahnwitzigsten Prognosen, was KI in Kürze alles können wird.
> in 1962, #Weizenbaum was already noting that when it came to the matter of fooling people, it was also quite possible for the program’s author to wind up fooling themselves, as he put it “programs which become so complex…that the author himself loses track, obviously have the highest IQ’s.” In other words, understanding the program did not guarantee protection..
#ElizaEffect #JosephWeizenbaum #TheFifthGeneration
#TheFifthGeneration #josephweizenbaum #ElizaEffect #weizenbaum
"Certainly, these bots will change the world. But the onus is on you to be wary of what these systems say and do" #Weizenbaum #Turing #ChatGPT (🎁 link) https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/20/technology/chatbots-turing-test.html?unlocked_article_code=R0u6lwOwdTNAjyyFt-RuGwygFvsWZB9jhM2rhFCbtv3LQIDB-QYiYckkqO7MOBV8HknyJklOwzRRyLcPNr7BU3QEkr-WSerDeoZ3AiqOM0lxZI-ucfb5zAnXIGBZ3f7ZLtrxlU8AlISV-CIyutSqKuywUeZuMJNZy9FRgFo8HNN9YMdh_O_JcUUJraklRG-7z8Ue7RbnkzdD73-6w3sIAEQwIHMPtRsvkC2a056yE_aJsbL5lRceL0JOnyZkXEHBYyHHQuwL89OHo0Q4TN3IubC0O8BbiinKKw5pxb2Rlu_AVSSKeo3XsmngQaUUtMFRilrMxL5T6AXBAWQqACfTSLeN&smid=tw-share
Das anschließende #Schulklassenespräch von 1987 mit Joseph #Weizenbaum, moderiert vom großartigen #RIAS-Journalisten Manfred #Rexin gibt Einblicke in den persönlichen Hintergrund des jüdischen, deutsch-amerikanischen Computerwissenschaftlers
#schulklassenesprach #weizenbaum #rias #rexin
Das anschließende #Schulklassenespräch, moderiert vom großartigen #RIAS-Journalisten Manfred #Rexin mit Joseph #Weizenbaum gibt Einblicke in den persönlichen Hintergrund des jüdischen, deutsch-amerikanischen Computerwissenschaftlers
#schulklassenesprach #rias #rexin #weizenbaum
Auch der heutigen Generation von InformatikerInnen sei das 1985 aufgenommene Interview mit Joseph #Weizenbaum ans Herz gelegt - überraschend aktuell!
Auch der heutige Generation von InformatikerInnen sei das 1985 aufgenommene Interview mit Joseph #Weizenbaum ans Herz gelegt - überraschend aktuell!
Hörempfehlung: #RIAS-Interview aus den 1980ern mit Joseph #Weizenbaum - Die Macht der #Computer
"Weizenbaum. Rebel at Work" ist ein Film über den deutsch-amerikanischen Informatikpionier und Gesellschaftskritiker Joseph #Weizenbaum, den Emigranten und Jahrhundertzeugen, den Geschichten- und Witzeerzähler, den "Grandfather Nerd" der Computerwissenschaften, der auch jenseits der Wissenschaft zu einer Kultfigur avancierte.