_The Evening Post_, 24 Aug 1923:
Writing of the Canterbury acclimatisers’ war upon the weka (whoso alleged crime was the eating of pheasants’ eggs), Mr. J. S. Myers comments: “And this is the bird of which Guthrie-Smith writes … of its efficiency as a rat-destroyer… The days of cock-fighting are over, but crimes are still committed in the name of ‘Sport.’”
#OnThisDay #OTD #PapersPast #NewZealand #Weka #Birds
#onthisday #otd #paperspast #newzealand #weka #birds
Just a few coin purses fused and cut.
Next up: fuse the labels then overlock the edges, then sew them up, and finally, trim, turn and press.
How many do you reckon are here?
And how many did you reckon I’ll get stitched in the next 24 hours (I’ll run out of zips for some…)?
#Handmade #BuyNZMade #MadeInAotearoa #Sewing #Purses #NZNative #Birds #kereru #kea #weka #tui #ruru #tauhou #kakariki #kaka
#handmade #BuyNZMade #madeinaotearoa #sewing #purses #nznative #birds #kereru #kea #weka #tui #ruru #tauhou #Kakariki #kaka
#MinIO and #Weka are in a bit of a snit over open source software licensing. Weka uses MinIO's object storage server and client in their product and are accused of not following the #AGPL license. Here's the latest from MinIO, which adds some real drama here... https://blog.min.io/our-response-to-wekas-post-and-clarifying-terminology/
Rakiura/Stewart Island weka taking an interest in my pack. They don't have the slightest fear of humans and lots of curiosity. When we dozed off in the sun one of them settled in next to us for a sleep. Just hanging out with the hoomans.
#weka #Rakiura #StewartIsland
The Weka, beloved and native to New Zealand mainland is a pest on Chatham Island. Yes, they eat them here sometimes. #NewZealand #Chatham #weka #birding
#NewZealand #chatham #weka #birding
So, using #weka in #jruby with a recent version of #java requires the --add-opens flag to avoid the InaccessibleObjectException:
> jruby -J--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -S rake task
This works on Windows 10 under CMD, but under PowerShell, I get the error: "Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to parse --add-opens <module>=<value>: java"
Quite happy to use CMD, but what is PowerShell doing differently???
Did you see the ADMIN Update newsletter this week? Read it now and subscribe to get it in your inbox every Wednesday https://mailchi.mp/admin-magazine/admin-update-automate-admin-tasks-with-puppet-bolt #automation #PuppetBolt #NETGEAR #career #JUPITER #supercomputer #Weka #PXE #Keycloak #CloudFest #jobs #events #sysadmin
#automation #puppetbolt #Netgear #career #Jupiter #supercomputer #weka #pxe #keycloak #cloudfest #jobs #events #sysadmin
Real life has been intruding into my time to take new #DailyPhoto 's, so here's a pic from my library that I've spent some work on improving now that my editing skills have gotten better.
#dailyphoto #picoftheday #weka #newzealand
We're not the only ones who love #mosstodon. This #weka is striding along a mossy path in the #kahurangi #NationalPark
#Mosstodon #weka #kahurangi #nationalpark #aotearoa #newzealand #birds #birdsofmastodon
Now onto #FijiSc: Fiji is a recursive acronym meaning "Fiji is just ImageJ" https://fji.sc (and the paper https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.2019 ) –and #ImageJ is a #java open source software for image processing https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/index.html written by Wayne Rasband from the #NIH Research Branch.
An analogy: think of ImageJ as the kernel and Fiji as the rest of the operating system.
#FijiSc brings to #ImageJ:
(1) a package manager to install and update plugins, and that crucially enables reproducible science by exporting the whole set of plugins and libraries as an executable;
(2) a Script Editor https://imagej.net/scripting/script-editor supporting many languages (#python, #groovy #ruby #scala #clojure and more), all with access to a huge collection of #JVM libraries;
(3) huge amount of libraries such as #ImgLib2, #JFreeChart for plotting, for GUIs, etc.
There are many, many plugins. A tiny sample:
Machine learning-based image segmentation:
- #LabKit https://imagej.net/plugins/labkit/
- #WEKA Trainable Segmentation https://imagej.net/plugins/tws/index
3D/4D/ND Visualization:
- 3D/4D Viewer #3DViewer https://imagej.net/plugins/3d-viewer/index with ray-tracing, orthoslices, volume rendering, and more
- #BigDataViewer #BDV https://imagej.net/plugins/bdv/index for interactively navigate N-dimensional image volumes larger than RAM
Image registration and serial section alignment:
- #BigStitcher for registering 3D/4D tiled datasets, with multiview deconvolution and more https://imagej.net/plugins/bigstitcher/index
- #TrakEM2 for montaging in 2D and alinging in 3D collections of serial sections, typically from #vEM (volume electron microscopy) https://syn.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/acardona/INI-2008-2011/trakem2.html
- #mpicbg libraries for extracting #SIFT and #MOPS features, then finding feature correspondences and estimating rigid and elastic transformation models https://www.nature.com/articles/nmeth.2072
Summarizing #FijiSc is impossible. See the online forum where questions find answers by the hand of the broader community of users and developers https://forum.image.sc/
#java #nih #python #groovy #ruby #BigDataViewer #BigStitcher #TrakEM2 #sift #FijiSc #imagej #scala #clojure #jvm #ImgLib2 #JFreeChart #LabKit #weka #3DViewer #bdv #vem #mpicbg #mops
In my opinion, #R is very suitable for #MachineLearning. With R, machine learning can be easily integrated into usual #rstats data analysis workflows. #RPackages provide access to virtually all relevant machine learning algorithms like #NeuralNetworks, Support Vector machines (#SVM), #RandomForests, Extreme Gradient Boosting (#XGBoost), #WEKA algorithms, etc.
Does anyone of the @rstats@gup.pe group have further recommendations?
See reply for sources: 4 books on machine learning.
#r #machinelearning #rstats #RPackages #neuralnetworks #svm #RandomForests #xgboost #weka
"A data mining experiment: movie reviews classification using #WEKA"
An interesting result of the experiment is that the best results have been obtained without removal of stop words and without stemming.
I have replicated the experiment with #sklearn, and confirmed it. Using count vectorizer to represent the documents and logistic regression instead of Bayesian networks the results are yet a little better. #MachineLearning #nlproc #SentimentDetection #SentimentAnalysis
#weka #sklearn #machinelearning #nlproc #sentimentdetection #sentimentanalysis
I have discover a new feature of #Weka: The graphic interface is able to exasperate me when I try to design advanced experiments. Additional problematic features: slow, it makes uneasy some easy things, ARFF format...
Anyway the graphical interface is not the most annoying problem, but the lack of scalability and consume of resources 😡