A few days ago, #Minnesota police pulled over a driver who was losing consciousness behind the wheel. Instead of taking this man to get help, they arrested him, and he died.
Police do not keep us safe.
#minnesota #wekeepussafe #Abolition
This is terrible. But we do not need more police. Victim centered, restorative justice would hold those four people accountable for the harm they caused. They would have responsibilities. They would have to make restitution. They would have to go through actions, different for everyone, so that both the victimized woman and her children felt safe.
Locking people in cages to be used as slave labor does not keep us safe. #WeKeepUsSafe #CareNotCages
It's a really good time to revisit
✊🏻 ✊🏼 ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿
40 Ways to Fight Fascists:
Street-Legal Tactics For Community Activists
✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼 ✊🏻
Multiple formats are available for handing out, postering, or sharing online at:
#CommunityDefence #WhoKeepsUsSafe #WeKeepUsSafe
#FashWatch #FashWatchCanada #FortyWays #FuckFascism
#CommunityDefence #whokeepsussafe #wekeepussafe #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #fortyways #fuckfascism
👋 pas très active ici, mais si vous passez par là… 3 dernières autour de « 1312 raisons d’abolir la police »:
samedi 2 septembre, 18h. La CAB, au lac du Chammet - Faux la montagne.
Mardi 5 septembre, 19H - parvis de la gare sud, Nice.
Mercredi 6 septembre, 18h - aux tanneries, 35-37 rue des ateliers, Dijon.
Toutes les rencontres sont dans des lieux accessibles PMR et #autodefensesanitaire (extérieur ou port du masque) #wekeepussafe
#Autodefensesanitaire #wekeepussafe
Okay, I totally meant to do this sooner but my phone has been non-stop ringing.
But probably not as bad as the one at 55 Division¹. 😄
I think they would like you to stop calling now [image 1].
As I said in my statement² to @joemorin73 who took the time to help spread the word, even though he was sick:
We all know my politics. We all know how I feel about cops — including and ESPECIALLY the cops themselves.
I spend my own time at actions protecting marginalized people from them. I will rearrange my work schedule for this purpose when needed.
But sometimes we have to work within the fucked up system that we have to fix what the system fucked up.
So thank you TikTok, Mastodon, Twitter, Instagram for pulling together and making this happen.
Believe me when I tell you it's IMPORTANT.
What I want to add is that part of the system is social media.
I want to point out that I got the results I did because I have a shit ton of privilege, even though I'm Black.
This system is designed to lock people who look like me out, and it did its damnedest.
I walked WITH POLICE from 55 Division, went into THEIR police station, and then waited outside that same police station for six and a half hours COVERED IN LATEX PAINT. And they were weirdly uncurious about it.
I even made pointed remarks to them, starting at the time of the initial arrests.
Part of my privilege involves knowing what to look for when I'm dealing with cops, because I TRAIN PEOPLE to look for this shit, like the numbers on the police car [image 2]. The first two digits tell you what division they are from.
I am also surrounded by leftist lawyers. Lawyers in the family. Lawyers as friends. MDC lawyers.
I work in tech and know how the game is played.
But not everyone has these advantages.
Okay, now I need to rein it in. I'm an anarchist, and like all political anarchists, I can go on about this shit for hours. Hell, the server has a 10,000 character limit per post, that's how bad we are about expounding.
Victims of crime (and I am still not considering myself a "victim" per se, just a very pissed off Black woman who one very thoughtless white man gave a soapbox) are expected to endure. The system wants you to preserve the evidence until they are good and ready to deal with you.
Imagine what that means for those who have experienced sexual assault.
Victims Services, by the way, doesn't kick in until you are already in the system as a victim.
At 7178 chars there. Must stop typing.
I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who called, retooted, told a friend, and in any way got the work done.
¹ I note that the press release erroneously has his court date as August 3rd. Given their astronomical budget, it would in no way to surprise me to discover that Toronto Police Services has a time machine, and can take him back to that date.
They're certainly not spending the budget on a proper system to log reports.
² https://fxtwitter.com/joemorin73/status/1694036452118556757
Keep calling! (954) 424 - 0242
You may have seen that Biden has announced what he calls “extreme heat protections” but what we know to be simply creating a dedicated paperwork definition of heat related deaths rather than filing it as a general workplace hazard. There is no new policy, just a small difference in the paperwork.
However the only people in the world who will notice a change are those who fill out said paperwork: the OSHA employees. This ironically gives us an opportunity to put pressure on the South Florida OSHA employees to do something. So keep calling!
Say his name! Efraín López García https://kolektiva.social/@miaantifanews/110775035865688678
OSHA inaction https://kolektiva.social/@miaantifanews/110810211348091602
Call OSHA FTL and urge them to issue a significant citation against Dang Farms for working Efraín López García to death!
(954) 424-0242 (choose language then press 0 to speak with an operator, then ask to speak to/leave a message for Eastmond Condell, the SFL area director)
Hi I am calling about a case from July 13 of this year, inspection number 1682870.015, in which a worker died of heatstroke.
*wait for them to find the case*
I urge you to issue a significant citation against Dang Farms for working this young man to death. His name was Efraín López García, he was 29 years old and he deserves justice. I am concerned that workers are still in danger of heat related illness and deaths will continue without swift and decisive action from OSHA.
#EfraínLópezGarcía #DangDeathCamp #RafaelSlaveDriverSlumlordBarajas #HendrixHellHole #JimJillPurgatory #QueCalor #WeKeepUsSafe #AbolishICE #SolidarityEconomy #Degrowth #LandBack #CapitalismIsKillingUs #AbolishCapitalism #DownWithTheState #AbolishBorders #PhoneZap #Miami #SouthFlorida #Florida #ActionAlert
#efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #rafaelslavedriverslumlordbarajas #hendrixhellhole #jimjillpurgatory #QueCalor #wekeepussafe #abolishice #solidarityeconomy #degrowth #landback #capitalismiskillingus #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders #phonezap #miami #southflorida #florida #actionalert
Phone zap OSHA to fine Dang Dang Death Camp for working Efraín López García to death! We investigated another farm worker who died of heatstroke and found inaction by OSHA.
#EfraínLópezGarcía #DangDeathCamp #RafaelSlaveDriverSlumlordBarajas #HendrixHellHole #Jim&JillPurgatory #QueCalor #WeKeepUsSafe #AbolishICE #SolidarityEconomy #Degrowth #LandBack #CapitalismIsKillingUs #AbolishCapitalism #DownWithTheState #AbolishBorders
#efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #rafaelslavedriverslumlordbarajas #hendrixhellhole #jim #QueCalor #wekeepussafe #abolishice #solidarityeconomy #degrowth #landback #capitalismiskillingus #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders
Comprade Dremel on the "end" of the pandemic emergency:
As the state now lays down its arms and attempts to hail the bloodthirsty conqueror as “the new normal,” the duty now falls to us to defend ourselves. It is incumbent on all who stand opposed to injustice and pointless death to regiment our defiance. Like the resistance movements in Nazi-occupied territories, we cannot allow ourselves to submit to despondence in the face of a vicious juggernaut aided by a collaborationist government. If we cannot drive the virus into extinction ourselves, we can at least keep it out of our communities and organizations. Our weapons in this fight are as follows:
Virtual meetings at every available opportunity (an obvious measure for inclusivity, regardless of the ongoing pandemic)
Tightly-sealed respirators (cloth and surgical masks provide less protection, but are preferable to nothing) at all times in public spaces
Ventilated and HEPA-filtered indoor air
Frequent PCR testing, even when asymptomatic
Immediate reporting of suspected or confirmed cases
Isolation and rest when infected until you are fully recovered (this may take much longer than the CDC’s pathetic recommendation of 5 days)
Abstention from gatherings which require attendees to be unmasked (restaurants, bars, events lasting long enough to require food and water breaks).
Organizations might find it useful to integrate the language in this document
into their bylaws. COVID protection guidelines should be the explicit, enforced policy of our organizations. Do not succumb to the lure of “convenience”; it is far more inconvenient to contract a disease that can — vaccinated or not — leave you bedridden for weeks, give you a chronic, debilitating condition, leave you vulnerable to future infections, or kill you. We know that this won’t be easy. Jobs won’t give us the time off. The constant stream of fear being pumped into the atmosphere about masks means that you may very well be accosted by angry, confused people in the street. The government does not have our backs. The government has left us to die. That’s why we need, more than ever, to look out for each other, to organize and demand that our places of employment take proper precautions, that we are given time off when we need to isolate, and that guidelines be followed.
#CovidIsNotOver #letthemeatplague #wekeepussafe
Comrade Dremel on the "end" of the pandemic emergency (April 2023)
Covid Protection Guidelines for Groups (template)
#covidisnotover #letthemeatplague #wekeepussafe
Say his name! Diga su nombre! Efraín López García!
#EfraínLópezGarcía #DangDeathCamp #QueCalor #WeKeepUsSafe #AbolishICE #SolidarityEconomy #Degrowth #LandBack #CapitalismIsKillingUs #AbolishCapitalism #DownWithTheState #AbolishBorders
#efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #QueCalor #wekeepussafe #abolishice #solidarityeconomy #degrowth #landback #capitalismiskillingus #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders
I'm proud to work alongside the folks at the amazing Vision Change Win Consulting (https://visionchangewin.com) and am psyched to present an Intro to Org #Digisec workshop for them on Wednesday, August 2 from 3-5pm PT/12-2pm ET.
If your organization is concerned about your digital security and want an accessible primer on what it all really means and how to begin to protect yourselves and your data, this workshop is an excellent start! (And if you know of groups who need this help, please let them know!)
Register at https://bit.ly/digisec101 -- flexible pricing and scholarships are available. And hit me up if you have any questions about the workshop or my work in general!
#digisec #weprotectus #wekeepussafe
I’d like to see a restorative justice model, where not only does the person who did harm have to make restitution, but they also need to make peace with the community and the person that they have harmed.
Punishment without accountability does not keep us safe. #wekeepussafe
Hey! #kolektiva! #anarchists #communists, etc. Do me a favor!? Boost ALL #mutualaid and #ActYourWage #union and #wekeepussafe stuff, could you? Even if it's not near you or applicable to you. The capitalists pay companies and influencers to platform their wins and accomplishments, they make so much noise virtue signalling that we all know about #RainbowCapitalism, but We don't have that, so we need EVERYONE to help tell the world a better way is possible.
We deserve to platform our good works.
We need to tell the world that capitalist 'charity' isn't the only way to help us.
We must continue to toot our own horns, because the other side is busy SCREAMING that we and those we love are literally The Great Satan and calling for their and our deaths.
They will not win either way, we already know this. But your help will absolutely, measurably help!
#Kolektiva #anarchists #communists #MutualAid #ActYourWage #union #wekeepussafe #RainbowCapitalism
Said with absolutely no shade to anyone:
Our movements and organizations urgently need to improve our security culture!
An important first step: build community security and safety into EVERY event from the start, whether it's in person or virtual. Don't sleep on it!
#digisec #CommunitySafety #SecurityCulture #WeProtectUs #WeKeepUsSafe #trans #queer
#trans #queer #digisec #communitysafety #securityculture #weprotectus #wekeepussafe
I'm gonna keep boosting calls for help, as I know very well even now the precarity of living in our modern system, telling someone to change their life as they've hit the mat and are asking for a hand getting up is a non-starter.
However, I would like it very much if, in our efforts to build and support local systems that can more meaningfully change people's material conditions, we could promote or point people towards various methods to more permanently escape the bad positions they're in. I want people to have more local mutual aid groups they can join, who can help them or help point them to other local resources. Like tenants unions, food banks, educational resources, etc. Etc. Etc.
Does anything we have on here look like that? And if not, how can we find or make one? It can't be centralized or rigid or dependent upon one group or person. It mustn't doxx or endanger someone. I don't know what that would look like beyond encouraging those of us in need to share a general area and those in various areas to watch out for neighbors calling for help.
#MutualAid #Kolektiva #dualpower #wekeepussafe
Open letter to all people coordinating, facilitating, and hosting events in (and around) Portland, Oregon–
#PDX #CovidIsNotOver #DisabilityJustice #WeKeepUsSafe
#pdx #covidisnotover #disabilityjustice #wekeepussafe
@palmbeachdsa happy to see y’all supporting this! They need all the help they can get with the city trying to use permits to eradicate food sharing in Palm Beach! Everyone that can show up at 4:30pm
Anarchists and socialists face repression even for just sharing food but that has never stopped Food Not Bombs before nor shall it now! If you can’t make it in perso, help with the phone zap in photos!
#WeKeepUsSafe #SolidarityNotCharity #FoodNotBombs #Anarchism #Socialism #Liberation
#wekeepussafe #solidaritynotcharity #foodnotbombs #anarchism #socialism #liberation
#wekeepussafe #CovidIsNotOver #pride
#wekeepussafe #covidisnotover #pride