the #facts tell us that the general #public is not the #problem; the #fossilfuel industry and other #vestedinterests are; that we have the #solutions, that #WeKnowWhatToDo, and that the #obstacles are #political; that when we fight we sometimes win; and that we are deciding the #future now.
#corruptpoliticians #betterworld #PlantationCourt #WWSS
#facts #public #problem #fossilfuel #vestedinterests #solutions #weknowwhattodo #obstacles #political #future #corruptpoliticians #betterworld #plantationcourt #wwss
Goal 11 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) is regarding making #cities and human #settlements #inclusive, #safe, #resilient, and #sustainable through #FifteenMinuteCity where all basic necessities like shops, parks, schools, offices, and others are within a 15-minute walk or bicycle ride.
#walkablecities #keepitintheground #WeKnowWhatToDo
#sdgs #cities #settlements #inclusive #safe #resilient #sustainable #fifteenminutecity #walkablecities #keepitintheground #weknowwhattodo
Lots of opportunity for #BrokenTaillightPolicing #BushtitJobs
#brokentaillightpolicing #bushtitjobs #defundthepolice #keepitintheground #weknowwhattodo #walkablecities
#KeepItInTheGround #WeKnowWhatToDo: Germany connected 943.7 MW of new #solar installations to the power #grid in March and deployed 298.4 MW of new #onshore #wind capacity, but needs to accelerate more to 1,557 MW of monthly #installations to reach the 2030 target.
#keepitintheground #weknowwhattodo #solar #grid #onshore #wind #installations
Thanks @ZLabe - thoughtful on periodic climate variations/long-term trends, & ecological & economic losses & damages #WeKnowWhatToDo #StopBurningFossilFuels
#weknowwhattodo #stopBurningFossilFuels
#WeKnowWhatTodo: 10 key findings readily available, and in some cases, highly cost-effective #actions that can be undertaken now to reduce #GHGEmissions, scale up #CarbonRemoval and build #resilience. While the window to address the #climatecrisis is rapidly closing, the #IPCC affirms that we can still secure a safe, livable future.
#weknowwhattodo #actions #GHGemissions #carbonremoval #resilience #climatecrisis #ipcc
#Prevention better than excuses: Cities need to require #BehindTheMeter #microgrids, as our inability to eliminate #fossilfuels now, increases the power of wind, to knock down PG&E’s #mismanaged wires, which should have been undergrounded before the #NewNormal age of mega fires in the west, that caused politicians to moan about an unreliable #grid. #ClimateCrisis #CascadingCrisis #WeKnowWhatToDo
#prevention #behindthemeter #microgrids #fossilfuels #mismanaged #newnormal #grid #climatecrisis #cascadingcrisis #weknowwhattodo