I see Musk is doing more stupid shit today. So let me just say...
Nice to see you. My rec? Follow liberally, look into reblogs, follow them too! Check out #explore / trending for more cool folks. Have fun, be cool. Happy to have you!
#welcom #mastodonmigration #twittermigration #twitter #musk #elonmusk
#ElonMusk #Musk #Twitter #twittermigration #mastodonmigration #welcom #explore #Mastodon
我刚想说,自动加入的公告房间里有说,但转念一想,那个房间也只是最近才搞出来的东西。以前注册的 BGME 亲友应该是没加这个房间。
Listening to the great mix of @northernlights only on #aNONradio @SDF
My lispy gopher show w screwtape is on after in half an hour!
#welCOM #mastodon #newfrenz
#anonradio #welcom #mastodon #newfrenz
o/ #welCOM #frendiverse #frens
This lispy gopher show w @screwtape as named by @gef is live 19 hours from now at zero hundred zulu (maybe with/out an off-by-one error). There will be #lisp #gopher #original #synth and also some original tracks by @Ae ( ae.sdf.org ) one of our awesome #mastodon #newfrens on #aNONradio #com by @SDF
Possible vandalizm by #DJ #Nightcore #robot
#welcom #frendiverse #frens #lisp #gopher #original #synth #mastodon #newfrens #anonradio #com #dj #nightcore #robot
#welCOM #frendiverse #fren
I added a #minimal item-type 0 #gopher #mole hit-counter #example to my phlog. It's in #ecl #common-lisp but the idea should be clear- write lock, etc
lynx gopher://gopher.club/1/users/screwtape/
lynx gopher://gopher.club/0/users/screwtape/counter.ecl
lynx gopher://gopher.club/0/users/screwtape/cgi-bin/counter
I'm calling this series of minimal examples ((short . and-sweet))
lynx gopher://gopher.club/7/users/screwtape/cgi-bin/2search.cgi?%28%28short+.+and-sweet%29%29
#welcom #frendiverse #fren #minimal #gopher #mole #example #ecl #common
#welCOM #fren
#lisp y #gopher show w @screwtape is three hours from now
Featuring just playing #LIGO #gravitational #wave #strain #recordings #as #sounds and my #floundering attempt to explain what those are #live
along with #gopherspace and lisp #synth #news
Only on #aNONradio powered by #SDF public access unix
$ ecl <<EOG
(ext:System "mpv http://205.166.94..122:8000/anonradio")
anonradio.net/listen for you web mortals
PPS: Tune into @northernlights ' show an hour before mine
#welcom #fren #lisp #gopher #ligo #gravitational #wave #strain #recordings #as #sounds #floundering #live #gopherspace #synth #news #anonradio #sdf