Yes. I’m the person who takes down the Xmas tree on New Years Day while football is on. 🥸
[#BienvenueEn2023] Rêvons d'un monde nouveau : sans gaz à effet de serre d'origine anthropique, sans pollution lumineuse, avec une biodiversité luxuriante ... Ne rêvons plus, agissons !
[#WelcomeTo2023] Let's dream of a new world: without anthropogenic greenhouse gases, without light pollution, with a luxuriant biodiversity... Let's not dream anymore, let's act !
#photography #landscapephotography #lightpollution #sigmafp #45mmf28 @sigmafrance
#bienvenueen2023 #welcometo2023 #photography #landscapephotography #lightpollution #sigmafp #45mmf28
Norwegian public broadcasting is showing an aha concert, and my only thought is how amazingly old Morten Harket is. #welcometo2023