I always enjoy a good “I came up with a really funny thing but can’t remember what it was or where I wrote it down” thing!
#welcometomyworld #whatdidicomeinherefor
Daily Dose of Anti-Corona Humor
#lifeisamirror #welcometomyworld #yearsofthevariants #anticoronahumor
Me, cheerfully when someone wants my attention: "Oh hi, I'm deaf, I lip-read".....
Them.... *Rabbit-caught-in-headlights-look* ..... *Starts talking veerrryyyy slllooowwwllllyyyyyy*.....
Me: "Just speak normally, as I said, I lip-read"
Them: "Oh *rabbit look* Oh, it's not important" *Turns and leaves quickly*
#WelcomeToMyWorld #Deaf #Communication #DeafBarriers #Ignorance #HoHum
#welcometomyworld #deaf #communication #deafbarriers #ignorance #hohum
@JamesBaker@social.openrightsgroup.or are you calling the British gov authoritarian? If so the fact that you aren’t yet arrested shows you might be wrong. Because that’s what those govs do. #welcometomyworld
just spent 4.5 hours on a self-suggested "small matter of programming". so I think I'll just toss this one back into the backlog...
#programming #welcometomyworld
#welcometomyworld #programming
Hoffe das nach und nach hier viele Leute eintrudeln werden. Es wird um Musik, Kunst und Kultur, dies und das und Pipapo und sowieso gehen. #neuhier #welcometomyworld
Or you're just another classical lazy person with self confidence bigger than the moon...
#welcometomyworld #hellomillenial