In the world where people are getting fired for not saying that men can get pregnant, the 1994 Schwarzenegger/De Vito film "Junior" is not only better than The Godfather, it HAS to be the greatest motion picture of all time.
I'm just a boy, standing here, crying tears of joy because......gChat finally has.... quote reply. #welcometothefuture #whatatimetobealive 🥲
#welcometothefuture #whatatimetobealive
Family company O'Henderson's Incubation Pants has been forced to shut down after being targeted by activists claiming their slogan, "O'Henderson's-The Pants That Get You Chicks!" is sexist despite their incubation pants literally help hatch fowl chicks.
#cancelculture #welcometothefuture
How quickly we went from asking how should we use AI to generate content for our website to why bother having a website at all if Google is just going to generate all content. #WelcomeToTheFuture #AI #SEO
Today, @SchubergPhilis brought the @Loodswezen infrastructure and application landscape a big step forward: the Dutch Pilotage went live on the @awscloud with its most mission-critical applications! #100% #welcometothefuture
The other night, I noticed that part of one line of string lights on our eaves was out—just part, not the whole line.
I thought they had failed, but tech support had me reboot the lights. They then worked fine.
Yes, we live in a world where your lights can crash.
#ParamountPlus lässt keinen Login in der App zu, wenn das Passwort 64 Stellen hat. #welcometothefuture
20 Stellen gehen.
#ParamountPlus #welcometothefuture
@Ciaraioch Exactly. I can see how orgs such as Shutterstock will try to continually advance the use of AI, supported by orgs like DeviantArt. Although they (supposedly) rely on artists' consent to train their AI, I'm amazed how many artists don't see the massive imminent dangers. I've no doubt that creativity and bespoke works will survive, and although there have been glimmers of hope, greater artist pushback is needed. #WelcomeToTheFuture #Art #MastoArt
#welcometothefuture #art #mastoart
@Sally_Bridge Hmm.. just noted now that the share link image thumbnail shows an ad. #WelcomeToTheFuture
Remember, Elon Musk could never have approached becoming a trillionaire if it weren't for all the taxpayer subsidies, cult of personality, and the hard work of money printing machines in the Treasury and the Fed.
The best part about inflation is how it will be easier to burn dollars to keep from freezing to death this winter than it would be to try to use them to buy fuel oil that you can't afford. #WelcomeToTheFuture
Back in the '90s, we used to joke that in the future when old people would take over and form an autocratic terror-state, they'd be the ones ordering "...testicular electrocution to be administered to all those who get into monkeyshines!"
We never dreamed it'd be the young people doing it while advocating for "transrights."
Mouahaha ! Débat contradictoire des candidats aux #régionales en #IdF (sur Le candidat RN égrène des chiffres en... FRANCS ! Waddafuk !!!
#politique #welcometothefuture #idf #régionales
Can you imagine how much the makers of thalidomide would've paid to have their shots mandatory while being shielded from liability?
There will be a point after the AI has learned all it can from having us identify crosswalks and stoplights for it when it will begin offering people's faces to have us identify emotions for it. #WelcomeToTheFuture
Debería implementarse un rango de horas en los que no se puede actualizar, COMO LAS HORAS DE COCINAR DESAYUNOS, ALMUERZOS O CENAS
Vas a hacer la comida y no puedes cocinar porque tu olla se está actualizando 🙄 #welcometothefuture
Resetting Your GE Smart Light Bulb via @schneierblog (and remember : the « s » in IoT stands for security) #IoT #welcomeToTheFuture #no #security
#iot #welcometothefuture #no #security
Now you live in a world that includes a royal Crotch Fruit called Archie.
Archie sounds more like something that the grandson of a stable boy would be called. I mean, there are other ways in which it certainly *has* become more fragile.
The idea of someone breaking into your computer and using it as part of a zombie robot army would have been laughable, not all that long ago. <.<
The idea of someone using web page views to covertly steal CPU cycles in order to create virtual money...