...like walking at night, saying no to a man, flirting, not flirting, etc.
There are tons of other reasons for practicing #jiujitsu, but i felt a familiar thread in this book. Even if we haven't experienced the worst trauma where you end up in a hospital clinging to life, we can relate - it's all around us. Still we find ways to exist and thrive.
#WelcomeToTheGoddamnIceCube #bjjwomen #bjjblackbelt #books #amreading #reading
#reading #amreading #books #bjjblackbelt #bjjwomen #welcometothegoddamnicecube #jiujitsu
I'm going to bring up #jiujitsu here, if i may. I'll put a quarter in the jar. I wonder if that's why some of us women are drawn to #bjj. I have heard that women who have endured trauma are likely to turn to #selfdefense classes or #jiujitsu. This is simulated violence in a controlled setting. There are risks there and we are fully accepting/consenting - unlike the risks in daily life...
#WelcomeToTheGoddamnIceCube #books #amreading #reading #bjjwomen #bjjblackbelt
#bjjblackbelt #bjjwomen #reading #amreading #books #welcometothegoddamnicecube #selfdefense #bjj #jiujitsu
Most compelling is the idea presented that the danger of #arctic survival is preferable to living in the violence that comes from the #patriarchal #racist #capitalist systems (rather than a system that values all people equally). In arctic survival, one consents to the activity/risk. Nature has no agenda, doesn't desire power. I get it. I don't like being cold, but i get it!
#reading #amreading #books #welcometothegoddamnicecube #capitalist #racist #patriarchal #arctic
Highly recommend.
I read this one in two days. Literally couldn't stop reading. Adventure, travel, dogs, quirky people. Perfection. It was also like the TV show, Life Below Zero about life in the #arctic, but with the added and necessary critique of the #toxicmasculinity often associated with the attraction of going north after survival classes with an air of superiority and living in the cold away from city comforts.
#books #amreading #reading @bookstodon
#reading #amreading #books #toxicmasculinity #arctic #welcometothegoddamnicecube
Ignoring some terrible amateur political punditry on FB, so I'm indulging some #reading obsessions via #usedbooks.
#AmericanOriginsofChurchesofChrist by #RichardHughes, #TheLostArtofScripture by #KarenArmstrong, #WelcometotheGoddamnIceCube by #BlairBraverman, #SomethingFierce by #CarmenAguirre, #FeetofClay by #AnthonyStorr, #NaturalCauses by #DanHurley
#religioustrauma #bookstodon #books
#bjjwomen #blackbeltwomen #chlie #allende #revolution #cults #excoc
#excoc #cults #revolution #allende #chlie #blackbeltwomen #bjjwomen #books #bookstodon #ReligiousTrauma #danhurley #naturalcauses #anthonystorr #feetofclay #carmenaguirre #somethingfierce #blairbraverman #welcometothegoddamnicecube #KarenArmstrong #thelostartofscripture #richardhughes #americanoriginsofchurchesofchrist #usedbooks #reading