PM Modi and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud on Monday co-chaired the first leaders' meeting of the Strategic Partnership Council
#India #SaudiPartnershipCrucial #Welfare #Modi #CrownPrince #Delhi
#india #saudipartnershipcrucial #welfare #modi #crownprince #delhi
This weekend alone has 5 antigovernment protests in different cities.
Majority of the parliament is living on a different reality then the rest of us.
which can also be seen demonstrated in these “money saving tips” given by MPs to those whose social benefits are being cut.. (picture.)
#antiGovernment #welfare #welfareCuts #antiGovernmentProtest #finland #politicsFI #politics #racism #fascism againstRacism #naziJokeGovernment
#antigovernment #welfare #welfarecuts #antigovernmentprotest #finland #politicsfi #politics #racism #fascism #nazijokegovernment
#TaxBillionairesOutOfExistence: Leading #welfare recipient “#SpaceX had recently given the #Pentagon an ultimatum: if it didn’t assume the cost of providing service in #Ukraine, which the company calculated at some four hundred million dollars annually, it would cut off access.”
#ShadowRule #PentagonIsTheLargestEmitter
#pentagon #ukraine #pentagonisthelargestemitter #taxbillionairesoutofexistence #welfare #spacex #Kleptocracy #shadowrule
#TaxBillionairesOutOfExistence. The government's leading #welfare recipient for space gives "the #Pentagon an ultimatum: if it didn’t assume the cost of providing service in #Ukraine, which the company calculated at some four hundred million dollars annually, it would cut off access."
#taxbillionairesoutofexistence #welfare #pentagon #ukraine #pentagonisacarbonbomb
Story series about a final solution to welfare without racism. A math death squad that eliminates people who are unwilling to learn the mathematical consequences of a violent welfare state
Story series about a final solution to welfare without racism. A math death squad that eliminates people who are unwilling to learn the mathematical consequences of a violent welfare state
#Italy, the #recipe to solve societal issues: stop to the #welfare, jail for #minors, #society #education #news #politics #farright #neofascists #poverty #schools #neet
#Italy #recipe #welfare #minors #society #education #news #politics #farright #neofascists #poverty #schools #neet
Like so often happens, this time too the expectations (or explanations) of right-wing politicians are completely separated from the actual reality.
Idk how in the hell would “you cannot make A DIME without it lowering your benefits” would encourage someone to try and find work. especially part-time.
#naziJokeGovernment #reform #defunding #politics #politicsFI #welfare #welfareDefund #socialBenefits #finland #thatcherism #rightWingPolitics
#nazijokegovernment #reform #defunding #politics #politicsfi #welfare #welfaredefund #socialbenefits #finland #thatcherism #rightwingpolitics
#Welfare inclusivo, si presentano i risultati del progetto #FISH: domani dalle 10.30 presso la Sala Monumentale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri ma disponibile anche in diretta sui canali FISH
Our Director Professor Jane Falkingham CBE was a guest on #BBC Talking #Business discussing the challenges of an #ageing #population (from 05:05).
The global #lifeexpectancy has doubled in just over 100 years. That's a great achievement and unlocks opportunities for a growing #generation of #consumers and #workers, many of them #grandparents and great-grandparents. But it comes with challenges... How to pay for the #health and #welfare needs of this ageing population?
#bbc #business #ageing #population #Lifeexpectancy #generation #consumers #workers #grandparents #health #welfare
@Frances_Coppola “debunking Fraser Nelson's recent tweet and articles.
Welfare benefits are not "the biggest scandal in politics". The right-wing press misrepresenting facts and misusing statistics in pursuit of their political agenda is.”
#Benefits #Welfare
The ongoing debate surrounding a caste-based survey in Bihar has seen the BJP led NDA questioning the Nitish Kumar government’s initiative.
#Bihar #NitishKumar #Welfare #BJP #NDA #CasteBasedSurvey #Census #SupremeCourt #BiharNews
#bihar #nitishkumar #welfare #bjp #nda #castebasedsurvey #census #supremecourt #biharnews
Florida shouldn't accept this. They should grab those boot straps and pull...real hard. Otherwise, they are the welfare queens they call everyone else.
For many years, the #UK and other #governments have claimed they can stop or reduce irregular #migration by removing “pull” factors – those that attract people to a particular country. These might include a generous public #welfare system or job opportunities.
CPC-CG and QuantMig members Jackie Wahba and Valentina Di Iasio have written for #TheConversation on the factors that ACTUALLY influence people's migration decisions 👇👇
#uk #governments #migration #welfare #theconversation #refugees #bibbystockholm #AsylumSeekers
Ah, yes….”Great American Songbook”…w/an ugly Extreme #gop twist!
“It is a resentment, too, not just towards the #elite but also the undeserving poor, towards benefit recipients & #welfare scroungers:
“Only for some is the precariousness of life to be condemned.”
“It’s a common theme on the rt that when people take collective action to defend their interests, they are the wrong kind of workers. It is only when workers lament w/o resisting that their voice is deemed “authentic”. 1/2…Link⬇️
More People Die #Young in #US Due to #HealthCare and #Welfare Cuts, Study Finds
#young #us #healthcare #welfare
"Ricorderemo l’estate 2023 per la lotta senza quartiere intrapresa dal Governo contro i poveri, i senza casa e i precari."
#diritti #lavoro #salarioMinimo #redditodicittadinanza #welfare #10agosto
#GovernodellaVergogna #diritti #lavoro #salariominimo #redditodicittadinanza #welfare #10agosto
"Fare del male, a volte, da’ delle soddisfazioni a qualcuno, a quanto sembra.
Specie se tu hai da vivere con stipendi a cinque zeri."
#diritti #welfare #Costituzione #7Agosto
#redditodicittadinanza #diritti #welfare #costituzione #7agosto