#WelfareQueen courtesy of MSNBC https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-gifts-welfare-rcna79812?cid "Supreme Court Justice Clarence #Thomas, someone who has loudly loathed Black people receiving things from the government, has received lavish gifts from a rich benefactor while in his powerful government job."
Article: We've finally found the true 'welfare queen.' It’s Clarence Thomas.
#supremecourt #clarencethomas #GOPHypocrisy #gophypocrites #republicans #WelfareQueen #welfare
#supremecourt #clarencethomas #gophypocrisy #gophypocrites #republicans #welfarequeen #welfare
Re: Bloomberg claims #PhonyStark is the publicly richest again — Do we celebrate the wealthy disproportionately to other members of society? — @IRS_CI @FCC @SECGov @JusticeOIG @FBISanFrancisco @POTUS @VP @PressSec just more assets to seize, #PonyBoy is the #WelfareQueen who has stolen from us & underperformed on all promises. He’s delayed the Hydrogen Economy & killed high speed transit. He’s toxic. @ABC @msnbc
#welfarequeen #ponyboy #PhonyStark
@thepoliticalcat @therichierichaye
#Reagan's #WelfareQueen was, statistically, a white rural mother.
@inkstainedmags the last time America had a recession McDonald’s had tips on its website for its employees who couldn’t afford food. One of them was that they should chew their food longer because it can trick their body into think they are eating more. And it had a link to apply for food stamps. #McDonalds is a #WelfareQueen
I used to think Canada was better than America. Maybe it used to be, but not so much anymore.