"British compassion has been replaced by a punitive, mean-spirited and often callous approach apparently designed to impose a rigid order on the lives of those least capable of coping."
#torybritain #welfarereforms #unitednations #poornastyandbrutish #toriesbrokebritain #austerity
@LJClements8 Unfortunately both main parties are #neoliberal. It was #Labour who started the so-called #WelfareReforms. The third party, #LiberalDemocrats, when part of #UKgov also jumped on the band-wagon and voted for stripping #disabled & #ChronicallyIll folk of their #benefits ( #SocialSecurity ) and thus many lost their adapted vehicles, motor-scooters and even electronic #wheelchairs! There is little hope for us - save for #Scotland, but that may not last…
#neoliberal #labour #welfarereforms #liberaldemocrats #ukgov #disabled #chronicallyill #benefits #socialsecurity #wheelchairs #scotland