#Epilogue [#PartThree] / #Afterburner:
#One of the #Things that #Distinguished #DragonAge from many of its #ManyPredecessors was that #One could #Play #SuccessiveInstalments of the #Franchise, based on #Previous #SelectiveLifeChoices... Or #Not...
That was a #GreatIdea...
And, #DontForget... #AllTurbinesMatter...
🧙⚔️ 🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🀄🎠🦹🦄🦹🎠🀄
#epilogue #partthree #afterburner #one #things #distinguished #dragonage #manypredecessors #play #successiveinstalments #franchise #previous #selectivelifechoices #not #greatidea #welldone #whoever #dontforget #allturbinesmatter
@Echologiste O-o félicitations 👏
Je suis très fière de vous Doc.
Bravo pour l'activité physique #welldone
#Welldone #Kubendiran @KubendiranKuma4
#Autodriver #Chennai #travellingpark #greenauto
Creates #MiniGarden Inside His Auto
#motivationalbooks #posters #drinkingwater
Thanks for all that you do for #roadsafety
More power to you
#roadsafety #passengerfriendlyauto #drinkingwater #posters #motivationalbooks #minigarden #greenauto #travellingpark #Chennai #AUTODRIVER #kubendiran #welldone
#Wellplayed #RPraggnanandhaa @rpragchess
You are a champion.
You have a long way to go and many more opportunities for success to come.
You fought well.
You have captured our hearts.
#KeepGoing #Welldone #Wearewithyou
#FIDEWorldCup2023 #Runnerup
#runnerup #fideworldcup2023 #wearewithyou #welldone #keepgoing #rpraggnanandhaa #wellplayed
Pamatujeme si to jako by to bylo včera. #welldone @Zalando https://feedit.cz/2023/06/19/zalando-slavi-5-let-na-ceskem-trhu/
This would never have happened on the scale it did, if Micro$oft had retained Office (at least optionally) as a localised, offline product. #WellDone https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-18/microsoft-hack-in-was-cyberattack-onedrive-cloud-outlook/102493402
#welldone Freedom Finance https://feedit.cz/2023/06/14/freedom-finance-europe-podporuje-ukrajinske-skoly-ve-spolupraci-s-nadaci-lets-help-together/
"To say, well done to any bit of good work is to take hold of the powers which have made the effort and strengthen them beyond our knowledge." — Phillips Brooks — — — #Phillip Brook #quote #quotes #praise #encourage #effort #motivation #welldone
#phillip #quote #quotes #praise #encourage #effort #motivation #welldone
"People forget how fast you did a job - but they remember how well you did it." — Howard Newton — — — #HowardNewton #quote #quotes #expedient #quality #fast #welldone #efficient #performance #accurate
#howardnewton #quote #quotes #expedient #quality #fast #welldone #efficient #performance #accurate
Michigan boy hailed as hero for preventing bus crash after driver fainted
#GreatKid #WellDone — https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/29/michigan-seventh-grade-boy-dillon-reeves-bus-crash?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Avoir de l'ambition, une vision et des projets tournés vers l'avenir. Voilà des éléments clés pour un dirigeant. J'ai connu (un peu) et j'observe (beaucoup) oles depuis plus de 20 ans et si à ses débuts, il était plus coutumier des noms d'oiseaux sur #frnog qu'autre chose, il faut lui reconnaitre sa constance, sa capacité à passer ou reprendre la main et son ambition.
Vodíková dodávka v Praze! A když už je v Praze i nově otevřená čerpací stanice, tak nic nebrání rozvoji této formy udržitelné dopravy. #welldone #theinindustry a #zasilkovna
#welldone #theinindustry #zasilkovna
Voilà un RETEX du DSI de l'URSSAF sur comment ils ont fait du cloud onprem....
Oui finalement adopter la mécanique devops ne nécessite pas d'aller chez les GAFAM, juste d'investir dans ses équipes et ses partenaires locaux.
Diese Woche im Studienraum der Oberstufe:
Eine Reihe von Schülerpersönlichkeiten sitzt mit irgendwelchen aufgeschlagenen Heftern da, hat in der einen Hand 'ne Stulle und glotzt auf das Handy in der anderen.
Schüler: Wir lernen doch!
Lehrer: aktiviert im WLAN-Router den Gerätefilter (MAC) nur für Tablets und Notebooks.
Diese Schüler: sitzen wieder im Speiseraum.