We identified our target (#EarlyMajority) & know what motivates them to switch (#WholeProductDevelopment & #WellEstablishedReferences).
Question 1: what features does Masto lack that many of us noted upon 1st arrival & would be welcomed by the existing community & new members (I have ideas)
Question 2: how do we get our big name emigres to start evangelizing for Masto on Bird Site? (I have ideas) /4
This is eminently do-able. Bird Site can be killed
#earlymajority #wholeproductdevelopment #wellestablishedreferences
When #Mastodon acquires #EarlyMajority the #DeathOfTwitter is only a matter of time.
Status as of today: the #MastodonPioneers (Innovators) came here #PreBirdSiteMeltdown & built this world. Meltdown strikes & early #BirdSiteEmigres have arrived (#EarlyAdopters).
The wide majority of decent Bird Site humans (#EarlyMajority) remain on Bird Site, awaiting a clear alternative complete with #WholeProductDevelopment & #WellEstablishedReferences. /2
#wholeproductdevelopment #wellestablishedreferences #mastodon #earlymajority #deathoftwitter #mastodonpioneers #prebirdsitemeltdown #birdsiteemigres #earlyadopters