I might add to this intro thread in time… In the meantime here are some hashtags that I follow and participate in:
#iOSDev #SwiftDev #IndieDev #IndieHacking
#LongCOVID #CovidIsNotOver #ClimateChange
#Caturday #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #CaturdayEveryday
#VJing #VideoArt #Visuals #Breakbeat #BassMusic #MusicIsLife
#bloomscrolling #mosstodon #iosdev #swiftdev #indiedev #indiehacking #longcovid #covidisnotover #climatechange #caturday #cats #catsofmastodon #caturdayeveryday #vjing #videoart #visuals #breakbeat #bassmusic #musicislife #aotearoa #wellingtonnz
Dont suppose anyone in #wellingtonnz knows of a covid safe osteopath I can visit sometime
#eqnz we were just talking to builders who are here to regib a room in our old house about shaky old houses in #wellingtonnz when that one struck! 5.5 French Pass @geonet
#wellingtonnz peeps: this petition is to try and get something done about the poorly designed crossings that make life difficult and dangerous for vision impaired people. https://chng.it/BqrWmLqLFV
South coast of Wellington panorama this morning
#RSA ladies finally connected right after #halftime - nicely done!
#RSAvSwe #WellingtonNZ #aunz23
#FIFA #FIFAWWC #football #worldcup23 #womensworldcup2023
#rsa #halftime #rsavswe #wellingtonnz #aunz23 #fifa #fifawwc #football #worldcup23 #womensworldcup2023
So proud of the ladies from #RSA for holding their own against #SWE blonde #clydesdale powerhouse!
#nospoilers #halftimeshow
#RSAvSwe #WellingtonNZ #aunz23
#fifawomensworldcup #fifa #football #worldcup23 #womensworldcup2023
#rsa #swe #clydesdale #nospoilers #halftimeshow #rsavswe #wellingtonnz #aunz23 #fifawomensworldcup #fifa #football #worldcup23 #womensworldcup2023
Player #14 #Sweden - damn! That's a big fcuking blonde! #swe
Wonder what she's like
#RSAvSwe #WellingtonNZ
#fifawomensworldcup #fifa #football #worldcup23 #womensworldcup2023
#sweden #swe #rsavswe #wellingtonnz #fifawomensworldcup #fifa #football #worldcup23 #womensworldcup2023
All the #SWE players have several heads on #RSA (height)- if only #Swedes use their heads to pass.
#fifawomensworldcup #fifa #football #worldcup23 #womensworldcup2023
#newzeland #nz #wellingtonnz
#swe #rsa #swedes #fifawomensworldcup #fifa #football #worldcup23 #womensworldcup2023 #newzeland #nz #wellingtonnz
Are there any covid cautious people in #wellingtonnz
This is an awkward, also during a chronic illness flare, hello I wanna date maybe, post.
Because I can't really go anywhere or do much because I'm almost always so unwell, and people aren't masking during an ongoing pandemic, I can't really meet anyone. So this is kind of a shout hello into the void.
#wellingtonnz #covidcaution #pandemicprecautions #AotearoaNZ #aotearoanzdating #datingnz #chronicallyilldatingnz #chronicallyill #permanentlysick #lonely
#wellingtonnz #covidcaution #pandemicprecautions #AotearoaNZ #aotearoanzdating #datingnz #chronicallyilldatingnz #chronicallyill #permanentlysick #lonely
100 hastily-organised anti-racists outnumbering the people attending Julian Batchelor’s anti co-governance meeting in #WellingtonNZ tonight by five to one. Kia kaha @PonekeAntifa 😊✊
Hooray! A trip to see the snow leopards at Wellington Zoo in this month's studio vlog and the process of my watercolour painting of Black Coffee cafe! https://youtu.be/umreX1Emdx0 #wellingtonartist #wellingtonnz #studiovlog
#wellingtonartist #wellingtonnz #studiovlog
The media guy answered. He's going to make some calls tomorrow. I'm going to bed soon I'm actually getting lightheaded with the heart rate going up and feeling quite woozy and not good. #LongCovid #stressonlongcovid #stresscovid #heartproblems #eviction #transitionalhousing #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #lightheadedness #unwell #permanentlyunwell #Disabed #disability #pleasehelp
#mutualaid #covidsafe #covidsafehousing
If anyone is in a covid safe house in Wellington please contact me. Please boost, please share on other social media
You can also donate here, funds helps but also getting some kind of temporary covid safe accomodation is top priority, please help please help
#pleasehelp #help #MutualAid #covidsafe #covidsafehousing #LongCovid #stressonlongcovid #stresscovid #heartproblems #eviction #transitionalhousing #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #lightheadedness #unwell #permanentlyunwell #Disabed #disability
Updated again on Kofi. I'm super fucking upset but atareira has decided to continue with the eviction despite telling the media that I can stay.
I'm in absolute shambles and I don't know where I'm going to go that is covid safe in #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #help #wellingtonnzhelp
So I'm once again asking if anyone knows of or can offer a room, I will have to be under no fixed abode until I am housed so can only pay minimal rent. I'm so sorry for doing this. Please boost.
My new eviction date is now on the 23rd. a friend is helping me put stuff in storage. I'm absolutely panicking please help. Please boost. #AotearoaNZ #poverty #longcovid #covidsafehousing #pleasehelp
#TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #help #wellingtonnzhelp #AotearoaNZ #poverty #LongCovid #covidsafehousing #pleasehelp
Update. Atareira has backtracked again and are going on with the eviction despite telling the media that I won't be kicked out. I was told this today at work and income
It's in NZD so if you are in the US the exchange rate helps.
One off donations for this goal so my benefits don't get affected!
I appreciate boosts!
Also the story on what happened with transitional housing is here
Thank you for reading!
#disabled #kaingaora #socialhousing #transitionalhousing #newsstory #MutualAid #crowdfunding #moving #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #poc #minority #disability #LongCovid #permanentillness #housing #permanenthousing
#disabled #kaingaora #socialhousing #transitionalhousing #newsstory #MutualAid #crowdfunding #moving #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #poc #minority #disability #LongCovid #permanentillness #housing #permanenthousing
Is anyone in #wellingtonnz and #covidsafe that can potentially help me get to appointments? I'm so fucking unwell and my health is deteriorating. I haven't even been well enough to go on my scooter for months now because I'm scared I will crash it. This is urgent. I am going to try get specialist appointments to diognose this. I'm suspecting neurological issues.