Updated again on Kofi. I'm super fucking upset but atareira has decided to continue with the eviction despite telling the media that I can stay.
I'm in absolute shambles and I don't know where I'm going to go that is covid safe in #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #help #wellingtonnzhelp
So I'm once again asking if anyone knows of or can offer a room, I will have to be under no fixed abode until I am housed so can only pay minimal rent. I'm so sorry for doing this. Please boost.
My new eviction date is now on the 23rd. a friend is helping me put stuff in storage. I'm absolutely panicking please help. Please boost. #AotearoaNZ #poverty #longcovid #covidsafehousing #pleasehelp
#TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #help #wellingtonnzhelp #AotearoaNZ #poverty #LongCovid #covidsafehousing #pleasehelp
Calling for help in #AotearoaNZ #help #healthcare #wellingtonnzhelp
#AotearoaNZ #help #healthcare #wellingtonnzhelp
#NZTwit #NZTwitter #NZTwits #nztwips
Looking for a #pandemicsafedentist in #wellingtonnz quite urgently. Please pass along. Every single one I've emailed so far isn't going pandemic safe actions like ventilation and masking. 😰 #wellynz #welly #wellingtonnzhelp #dentistnz #pandemicsafe
#NZTwit #NZTwitter #NZTwits #nztwips #pandemicsafedentist #wellingtonnz #wellynz #welly #wellingtonnzhelp #dentistnz #pandemicsafe