Was Wellington Paranormal the right viewing choice to recover from a errand n chore packed brain-mushifying day?
what a gloriously silly show.
#fridaynightfun #wellingtonparanormal
Com vaig comentar a l'últim capítol de Terrible Visió, en vaig guardar captures de pantalla de tots els titulars de diari de la meravellosa sèrie #WellingtonParanormal
Comence fil amb tots els titulars i aprofite per a recomanar una vegada més la sèrie a qui tinga ganes de vore una genial comèdia absurda. Està a #HBOMax
Un parell de dies tard, però ja tenim el nou capítol de Terrible Visió!!
Parlem de tres meravelloses sèries que són falsos documentals:
#ParksAndRecreation (2009 - 2015)
#WellingtonParanormal (2018 - 2022)
#CunkOnEarth (2022)
I a més del "real documental" #AttackOfTheHollywoodCliches (2021)
Si heu vist alguna de les sèries segur que enteneu la nostra passió extrema cap a elles.
Com sempre, estem a #iVoox #ApplePodcast #Spotify i #GooglePodcast
#parksandrecreation #wellingtonparanormal #cunkonearth #attackofthehollywoodcliches #ivoox #applepodcast #spotify #GooglePodcast
Is #RhysDarby the only actor to be on both #WellingtonParanormal and #XFiles?
#rhysdarby #wellingtonparanormal #xfiles
A bit of a What We Do in the Shadows vibe.
Omg two minutes into Wellington Paranormal and I'm laughing my ass off 🤣
#parody #tvshow #wellingtonparanormal
Do you remember former NZ National Party MP Aaron Gilmore? His ongoing decline is sadder than the tales of US senator George Santos, but they share a disengagement from reality.
This story also reads like a Testimonial for local process server Reon Viles and #Wellington Investigations. Hope someone can make a mockumentary on Reon's work in the style of #WellingtonParanormal
#wellington #wellingtonparanormal
I really wish Wellington Paranormal were a little more popular here in the US . But maybe not "Certainly not optimal is kind the perfect phrase for waking up to whatever fresh hell hour politicians have for us here. Fans will just keep that keep that to ourselves.
#certainlynotoptimal #wellingtonparanormal #teamminogue
Is anybody out there? Somewhat freaked by #WellingtonParanormal at midday in France. It's a bit scary coz I put down the shutters due to the sun on the screen & I'm now somewhat afraid. Seeing shadows & shit. Please speak to me.
They said 'pash'. LOL. My kingdom for a pash... #WellingtonParanormal #NewZealand
#wellingtonparanormal #newzealand
I got these blu-rays for my birthday yesterday so I know what I’ll be watching over the next few days! 😊 I think I’ll get started with the excellent #WellingtonParanormal tonight before I hit the sack, it’s bloody hilarious.
“Police navidad” episode on #WellingtonParanormal, for your Christmess viewing delight. It’s in series 2, if you’re hunting around.
“Police navidad” episode on #WellingtonParanormal, for your Christmess viewing delight. It’s in series 2, if you’re hunting around.
Come shoot your stuff here in Wellington!! #film #movies #aoteoroa #nz #avatar #lotr #wellingtonparanormal #whatwedointheshadows #taiki #marvel #vfx #sfx #filmmaking. https://youtu.be/pcPOTPjwX0I
#film #movies #aoteoroa #nz #avatar #lotr #wellingtonparanormal #whatwedointheshadows #taiki #marvel #vfx #sfx #filmmaking
#LOTR The Two Towers
#TheCabinetOfDrCaligari (1920)
#Elvira Mistress of the Dark
#Suspiria (1977)
#PrideandPrejudice (1995)
#Jumong 😂
movies and shows I've struggled to cut off the list
#CharliesAngels 2000
A bunch of period dramas basically (esp Jane Austen ones)
#wellingtonparanormal #queenofthedamned #charliesangels #Pleasantville #flipped #jumong #thehauntinghour #Creepshow #whatwedointheshadows #theadventuresofmerlin #PrideAndPrejudice #spaced #7showstoknowme #alittleprincess #suspiria #elvira #panslabyrinth #shaolinsoccer #thecabinetofdrcaligari #lotr #7filmstoknowme
#LOTR The Two Towers
#TheCabinetOfDrCaligari (1920)
#Elvira Mistress of the Dark
#Suspiria (1977)
#Pride&Prejudice (1995)
#Jumong 😂
movies and shows I've struggled to cut off the list
#CharliesAngels 2000
a bunch of period dramas basically (esp Jane Austen ones!!)
#wellingtonparanormal #queenofthedamned #charliesangels #Pleasantville #flipped #jumong #thehauntinghour #Creepshow #whatwedointheshadows #theadventuresofmerlin #pride #spaced #7showstoknowme #alittleprincess #suspiria #elvira #panslabyrinth #shaolinsoccer #thecabinetofdrcaligari #lotr #7filmstoknowme
Pour les fans de #JemaineClement les 4 saisons de #WellingtonParanormal sont dispo en France sur #UniversalPlus
#universalplus #wellingtonparanormal #jemaineclement
#introduction time.Yes, I am one of the refugees from The Great #TwitterMigration of 2022.
I come in peace, bearing two cats: one small, one large.
#LongCovid sucks, but hey, just happy to be alive! Gaming is now mostly turn-based: #Xcom2 (I can't quit you for long), #Humankind, #Civ6, #Inscryption, but my all-time favorite series is #DragonAge.
#StarTrek for life. #TheNevers, #WhatWeDoInTheShadows, #WellingtonParanormal, #SlowHorses, #Severance, #TheExpanse.
#introduction #twittermigration #LongCovid #xcom2 #humankind #civ6 #inscryption #dragonage #startrek #thenevers #whatwedointheshadows #wellingtonparanormal #slowhorses #severance #theexpanse