freetobeme · @freetobeme
9 followers · 38 posts · Server

29 June 23
Rain at last, today, and quite heavy. This means a day of overcoats and wellington boots. For me, anyway, having bought many pairs of dog boots in all kinds of colours, and never a single pair that any dog did not fling off irretrievably into the road, the undergrowth, or the largest and dirtiest puddle, within a few steps...

#dog #rain #fun #dogboots #wetweather #wellingtons

Last updated 1 year ago

Hope Project · @hopeproject
82 followers · 13 posts · Server

Sometimes you just need the correct clothes for jumping in puddles.
This little bundle of trouble arrived at Hope today soaking wet and in trouble with her mum. I literally poured the water out of her shoes. Apparently the big puddles were to much to resist.
We kitted her our with puddle jumping equipment straight away and made sure she was warm and dry.
Kids will be kids wherever they are❤️

#refugees #refugee #wellies #wellingtons #puddles #rain #kids #children #kidswillbekids #JumpingInPuddles #hope #refugeehope #refugeekids #puddlejumper #puddlejumping #refugeechildren #puddle #bundleofjoy #raincoat #raincoats

Last updated 2 years ago