As promised, the witch hat and hand are here! (Forgot the sleeve, though, d'oh!)
I'm still new to vector tools. Any advice on what would take this to the next level?
(I know the stars need work. And I need some hat lines to show that those fingers are grasping the hat.)
#WIP #IndiePublishing #BookCovers #Inkscape #VectorArt #Art #MastoArt #CreativeToots #IndieBooks #Books #GraphicDesign #Typefaces #Script #CritiqueRequested #WellMoreLike #AdviceRequested #Witch #Moon #WorkInProgress
#workinprogress #moon #witch #advicerequested #wellmorelike #critiquerequested #script #typefaces #graphicdesign #books #indiebooks #CreativeToots #MastoArt #art #vectorart #inkscape #bookcovers #indiepublishing #wip
Another book cover in the works! Doing this one in vectors so the cover for the Large Print edition (6x9") won't be as ornery to produce.
Witch hat and hand coming soon! (Moon brought to you by this Inkscape tutorial: )
#WIP #IndiePublishing #BookCovers #Inkscape #VectorArt #Art #MastoArt #CreativeToots #IndieBooks #Books #GraphicDesign #Typefaces #Script #CritiqueRequested #WellMoreLike #AdviceRequested #Moon #WorkInProgress
#workinprogress #moon #advicerequested #wellmorelike #critiquerequested #script #typefaces #graphicdesign #books #indiebooks #CreativeToots #MastoArt #art #vectorart #inkscape #bookcovers #indiepublishing #wip