Global News BC: Kelowna cop sentenced to community service in wellness check assault #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #wellnesscheckassault #KelownaLawCourts #kelownaassault #wellnesscheck #LacyBrowning #MonaWang #Assault #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #wellnesscheckassault #kelownalawcourts #kelownaassault #wellnesscheck #lacybrowning #monawang #assault #crime
Global News BC: Use of force reasonable in fatal RCMP shooting of B.C.’s Dani Cooper: Watchdog #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MentalHealthCrisis #NorthVancouverRCMP #BCPolicewatchdog #Policeuseofforce #wellnesscheck #Deescalation #DaniCooper #Crime #IIOBC #IIO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #mentalhealthcrisis #NorthVancouverRCMP #BCPolicewatchdog #Policeuseofforce #wellnesscheck #deescalation #danicooper #crime #IIOBC #IIO
Global News BC: Sentencing date for Kelowna cop who assaulted woman during wellness check to be set Friday #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCProsecutionService #ViolentWellnessCheck #centralokanagan #wellnesscheck #CrownCounsel #LacyBrowning #KelownaRCMP #MonaWang #Okanagan #Crime #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #BCProsecutionService #violentwellnesscheck #centralokanagan #wellnesscheck #CrownCounsel #lacybrowning #KelownaRCMP #monawang #okanagan #crime #RCMP
Global News BC: 1 man in custody after chase through Fraser Valley that started with wellness check #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #policepursuitFraserValley #FraserValleypolicechase #Abbotsfordpolice #ChilliwackRCMP #wellnesscheck #FraserValley #PoliceChase #Highway1 #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #policepursuitfraservalley #fraservalleypolicechase #Abbotsfordpolice #ChilliwackRCMP #wellnesscheck #fraservalley #policechase #Highway1 #crime
I almost wish my #vet did house visits - these sweet #BlackCats do not like the vet experience!
Good news is, after their #WellnessCheck , their vet says they are healthy!
PS - both of them are in this photo
#HousePanther #BlackCatFriday #cats #CatsOfMastodon #AnimalWellness
#vet #blackcats #wellnesscheck #housepanther #blackcatfriday #cats #catsofmastodon #animalwellness
@Aphelion Haunting
Your words
Concerned I find.
An outlet?
Are you okay?
#wellnesscheck #attempedpoetry #withlove