So if I'm on sertraline, clonidine, Lyrica, clonazepam, zolpidem, cannabis, muscle relaxants, and pain meds, and my sympathetic nervous system is still working almost twice as hard as my parasympathetic nervous system, doing basic activities of daily living or less, that's kind of a bad sign, right? #hEDS #POTS #MCAS #Autism #PsychMeds #PolyPharmacy #ChronicPain #Exhausted #LowBP #Welltory
#heds #pots #mcas #autism #psychmeds #polypharmacy #chronicpain #exhausted #lowbp #welltory
Skjermdump frå appen #welltory som målar og analyserar #hrv:
Resultatet av at eg sette på ei maskin tøy i går, og hengte den opp etterpå.
Eg har lenge vore flink og overlatt slikt til heimetenesta, men i går var eg visst trassig og ville «klare søl!». Det betalar eg for no, og i kor mange dagar/veker etterpå? Det vil alltids vise seg.
#pwME <— PeopleWithME
Welltory's advice to me this morning: "Stress can affect your decision-making."
Oh oh.
#Stress #MentalHealth #Welltory #TransRelatedCare #DisabilityJustice
#stress #mentalhealth #welltory #transrelatedcare #disabilityjustice
I love for me that my self-reported mental health trend looks like this and #Welltory is noticing its "way better than usual." :-/