New GTs (see Geraint Thomas) came today and were duly worn on their first dinnertime 30 minute ride. I really like the wee that is in the bottom left corner. At least my orbital area will look , even if the rest of me doesn't. Nice touch, as us . #

#sunGod #welshdragon #pro #celts #ridetogether #cycling #cyclingsunglasses #gts #geraintthomas

Last updated 1 year ago

I live in Wales... I need a Dragon for the garden.

I'm browsing the internet looking for one... and I can decide what style to go for... traditional Welsh, cute and cuddly... and you can't tell how big they are from the pics.

There's hundreds to choose from... I wanna adopt most of them.

#welshdragon #GardenSculpture #AdoptADragon

Last updated 2 years ago

Helen Lunt Davies · @HelenLDavies
106 followers · 74 posts · Server